Reviews for Those Damn Cinderblocks
Minnie1015 chapter 1 . 1/20/2018
Omg this was perfect!
Anne Carter chapter 3 . 9/19/2017
OK, you made me cry. This is so well-written and so close to a potential reality that it's scary. I'm a believer in happy endings so I'd love to see them reconcile or at least not be enemies and/or so sad. Yeah, I Believe in the Shield.
Rachel chapter 3 . 8/28/2016
Hey, that was really good! Definitely was really deep character turmoil and depth. Haha it just all made me really sad
Guest chapter 3 . 8/17/2016
Omg ...* tossing tissue in trash* this story is so damn good this has to be by far the best story I have ever read as far as fanfiction goes. Keep up the good work
ZVArmy chapter 3 . 8/4/2016
I totally agree with your assessment. This is some of the best work you've done. It wasn't the outcome that I thought we were going to get, but I actually like that a lot. What we actually got was something much more realistic, and I love that in writing. I can see why this took it out of you. It it a very emotional piece, and that kind of thing is tough to get right. But you did exactly that; you got it right, and the end result is really something to be proud of.

I also see the effort you put into getting Dean's symptoms and medications etc right, and again that's something that appreciate as a reader, signs that the author gave it their all.
ZVArmy chapter 2 . 7/30/2016
Fantastic job, M. I know how hard you worked on this and boy does it show. I think this may be my favourite of your works. The way you worked in what actually happened on the real show with your own interpretation of Seth's thoughts was masterful.

I also come out of this chapter really, really wanting you to write a story centred around Stephanie. In kayfabe of course. She is the best heel in WWE right now in my opinion, and just with the small little segment of her and Trips in this chapter, I know you could write something special with her.

So Seth and Dean are going to talk about the incident, and hopefully find some common ground. I can't wait to see how that goes.

Again, terrific job with this.
Princess Aquilia chapter 3 . 7/28/2016
...I needed to recover for awhile after reading that! The feels! I would prefer to tell you how much I love the ending first, but I wouldn't want to spoil it for the other readers here.

Okay, for the first time, I can't separate what I like within the story, to how well its written, I have to mix it here goes...
The medication together with the descriptions was great, Dean's pain felt so real, together with your descriptions of being run over by a truck, to not only having his heart crushed but his skull too by Seth...that line and they way and when you had Dean say it really got to me :( and Seth's remorse was so sincere, I could get that from the way you've actually shown his emotions rather that just saying it.

On a side note, I'm confused about Dean's perception of Roman here though... I don't think Roman betrayed Dean, they just went their separate ways but still friends...but I get it adds to Dean's suicidal tendencies which has an impact on Seth ...adding that much more to the angst.

The ending was unexpected, but hey, its reality, and you've handled it perfectly least he doesn't hate Seth; how much more could you expect of Dean?

I really enjoyed reading this story, and the last chapter blew me away.
Your take on the cinderblock issue is realistic and somehow still satisfying with a great ending - the biased part of me is screaming "Please don't let it end like that!...My poor Seth...The Shield...but honestly, I don't think their could've been a more perfect realistic ending, so it would be poor Seth..."

So there you have it...even my bias side is siding with you...oh the horror! LOL

Great story, thank you for sharing :D
SkittlezLvr79 chapter 3 . 7/28/2016
This was a heartbreaking, compelling, complexly layered masterpiece! It unfolded brilliantly, each chapter building upon what the previous one delivered. You felt for both men. Their pain and agony, regret and resolve were all palpable and just clawed at you. The characterizations were spot on and it felt real.

There was so much packed into these three chapters but you hung on every word and thought throughout them. It was brilliance and while I'm sorry to see it end, I think had it gone on longer you would have killed me. Bravo Wencho!
ZVArmy chapter 1 . 7/24/2016
Fantastic job. I feel like I repeat myself every time I review you, but again, I have to say how well you got into Dean's head and 'talked things out' from his point of view. It totally makes sense.

You know none of this will be addressed by WWE when they do the Shield reunion. They'll probably on put a couple of weeks of build into it too. lol
Princess Aquilia chapter 2 . 7/7/2016
Aww, it was really too much feels! Poor Seth, being manipulated like that! :(
I can't wait for the conversation! :)

This was an awesome take on the cinderblocks incident, Seth never planned it, but felt pressured, and felt guilty every step of the way. Great chapter! :)
wharfcoyote chapter 2 . 7/6/2016
An excellent follow up chapter. I'm glad you went with genuine remorse and regret dulled by years of Dean seeming fine rather than obliviousness or denial for Seth. It feels right and real. I can't wait to see how their conversation goes and if reconciliation is somehow possible or if Seth's action was simply unforgivable. Great chapter!
SkittlezLvr79 chapter 2 . 7/6/2016
Oh Seth, you poor, stupid, easily led little boy. Never blindly agree to something without knowing the details. Especially if Triple H, Kane and Randy are the ones talking. There's not a conscience to be had between the three of them. They have no issue ending a man's career or life just because they feel that he's in their way.

God, I do really feel for Seth but he did make the choice to follow through. Then brag about what he did. Those actions can't be taken back now. The damage left in their wake can't be undone. Owning up, taking responsibility for doing it and apologizing may soothe the sting but honestly, it's going to always remain between them. A yawning cavern in repairing any trust.

This discussion between them will prove very interesting.
Princess Aquilia chapter 1 . 7/1/2016
Yes, Dean was beginning to feel left out of your recent one-shots ;)
The cinder block incident would be very hard to get past... Nice ending with Seth showing up, trying to make amends...and showing remorse. Dean's reaction was perfect!
wharfcoyote chapter 1 . 6/30/2016
Ooh, this was really good. You really managed to get into Dean's head, and tell how a rational person would probably react to this situation. Of course, when the WWE does the eventual Shield reunion, the whole cinder block incident will be ignored, never to be mentioned again.

I've struggled with this same issue in my writing in the past, because it seems almost impossible to justify a renewed friendship in light of Seth basically trying to kill Dean in the past. That kind of thing would be hard to get over. And I have been guilty of glossing over it in the past too. I haven't done any writing at all lately, but this story makes me want to brainstorm other ways to logically address the cinder blocks and still end up with a Shield reunion in the end. And I think that is definitely the sign of a good story: inspiring someone else to want to to write themselves.

Great story! If you have ideas about where you would like to go from here, I would encourage you to continue. I really enjoyed it.
SkittlezLvr79 chapter 1 . 6/30/2016
I swear you're trying to kill me. I'm an angst whore and this right here was so perfect. I feel for Dean, understand where he's coming from and empathize with him. But I also feel for Seth because he was the one who did it, who took it that far and there has to be guilt eating at him even if he isn't outwardly showing it. Fabulous Job!