Reviews for Chris Pettigrew and the No-Refund Policy
Guest chapter 2 . 8/17
I really like Chris! His interactions with the other characters are gold but at the same time he seems lazy and unmotivated. He has all those skills from past lives but his unwillingness to try at all puts me off. However Chris can be a boring character because he doesn’t strive for anything at all. It’s the people around him that make him look good. But perhaps constantly being reincarnated tired a person out. He comes off has having no goals and goes through life an empty shell which makes him pathetic. Therefore wouldn’t he look for a way to end his continuous rebirth cycle? Honestly idk but what’s the point of Chris existing if he shambles through life just complaining and not trying to change his current situation. Anyway I enjoy how you wrote the marauders James Potter really is just a naive rich boy.
Guest chapter 3 . 8/11
This dick stories
Guest chapter 1 . 8/10
Guest chapter 9 . 7/28
This was such an interesting read. Strangely adorable yet hauntingly realistic at times. You're fantastic at characters and their interactions.

Thank you for sharing.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/28
Loving your writing style. Can't help but question why he doesn't kill his father though? Surely, after 70 lives, he would be well past those moral issues and actually have several legitimate ways to do so despite his smaller body. Hell, do it while he's sleeping. I guess it could be seen as his personality just having given up long ago and accepting whatever life throws at him at this point, but it feels a little off to me.
Guest chapter 7 . 7/14
Mhm. I can see how voldy turned out to be. And ya should put a tag for angst or at least dark humor.
Guest chapter 9 . 7/13
Wtf why isn't there more story?! Chris is great!
Guest chapter 9 . 7/7
Kloness chapter 9 . 7/4
Omg, i love that dynamic bw sirius and james, its changing and i love this side if james! Like i knew it existed but this fic is putting it out there an di love that.
Also chris told lupin dundundun when james finds out. Also i ownder what james senses in chriss magic. Also if james was never wring then how did original peter betray them? So looking forward for the netx update!
Kloness chapter 8 . 7/4
i love your characterisation, thats the thing that really stood out to me. your characters have this depth that i absolutely adore! like your sirius is so complicated with his fear with being in gryffindor and his complex emotions about chris. and how james is airheaded but also serious. an di was smiling so wide when james and lily were fighting over chris (i love how you have james dislike lily bc of james' attachment to chris).
also, i relaly like how diff chris is from ither ocs like he's neigher good or bad hes just chris. and your fic has all these dialy life interactions thta just add depth to the story like chris w remus's christmas present and chocolate, and the detail on remus' magic being softer fater full moon. i a,os lovelove the sneak peaks we get into sirius and james relationship with how it isnt as simple as ppl may think with sirius maybe relying and using james to survive in gryffindor and james knowing and thinking sirius is worried over james disliking his pureblood ancestry, just that wouldve won me over, since most fics disregard the background between their friendship
also the tacit understanding bw sirius and james when chris fell asleep and how they just simultaneously decided to let him cathc up on sleep, its juts i fangirl iver basiclaly everything in the fic and thanj youso muhc for writing this. i'm definitely going to reread this over snd over
LittleFlower2012 chapter 9 . 6/28
I love this fic I hope you will update soon!
ElliElver chapter 9 . 6/22
pleeeeaase write more of this, good god i need another chapter. i love how this is going so far and i absolutely need more! ahhhh im screaming
F chapter 9 . 6/12
Very funny and interesting
Thank you for sharing
Guest chapter 9 . 6/11
Absolutely wonderful. Whenever I stumble across writing like this I'm reminded how good fanfiction can be. Can't wait to see more of your writing.
lilgarcia999999 chapter 9 . 6/10
I actually really like this story, like I never imagined I would like reading SIs or OCs in the HP fandom, but dang is this book good. And the MC, surprisingly, is Peter, not really but really, which makes my interest doubly surprising, and this story was a lovely little book. love it.
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