Reviews for Avengers Academy
Scarlet WebSlinger chapter 8 . 3/8/2019
Excelsior! What an interesante story! I'm asking, totally not pleading. Maybe a little, but definelty not begging! I grovel at your humble words! Seriously, I really like your story. Its a cool twist on the regular Marvel we know. And I kind of really dig the Spidey/Wasp par. But with the coming of the New Ant-Man one has to wonder. Will it be Peter's turn for jealousy? Please update soon.
Steelrain66 chapter 8 . 12/21/2018
Well I hope you continue this story, I really enjoyed it thus far.
Arrexu chapter 1 . 7/7/2018
the first chapter is rather lackluster. Anyone who watch all spiderman movies would catch what you did there. The small knives. the two almost overrun kids. the Tony meets Peter in his own home spiel. really? otherwise I like the idea. chapter 8 . 7/5/2018
You are such an amazing writer! I found this story a day ago and have been reading every chance I get. Keep up the good work!
The Keeper of Worlds chapter 8 . 6/28/2018
Dang, looks like things are on full edge of risk now. Secrets ready to spill in buckets too.
Guest chapter 8 . 6/20/2018
Kyle: Can you just tell us when next kingdom hearts unleashed story is
Kai: and soon
Kaice: thanks
J chapter 8 . 6/16/2018
Will Wanda and Pietro Maximoff join Avengers Academy? Will VISION Show up?
If not then i would be very disappointed.
Spiderfan626 chapter 8 . 6/15/2018
Dang it, Mystique! I was hoping Spidey would catch you in the act and detect you with his spider sense! Oh well... Basically Rogue Recruit. I'm sure Spider-Man will get the truth and get Wanda and Peitro to join the Avengers Acdadmey! And hey, Scott Lang, next time! Anyways, I enjoyed the chapter! Can't wait for the next one!
Monkey D. Conan chapter 1 . 6/15/2018
Awesome work as always. You’ve made Janet an interesting character here (though I can’t help but want more Spidey interaction). So when exactly will Spidey and Wasp start something? (At least a tentative something) Considering both of their personalities added to the fact it’s getting a bit obvious to the others and I can’t help but think it’s about the point where one or the other would be “not” asking the other out as “best friends” on a “not” date and it keeps getting either interrupted or both think the other doesn’t view it as a date, even though it is. Also will Jess and Luke be playing matchmaker at all or no? (I totally think they should, or at least Jess does and Luke will have no idea what’s going on till Jess spells it out for him once they’re done) Anyway, can’t wait for mores!
Stuckylover4ever chapter 8 . 6/15/2018
I want to say that this is an excellent story. I wasn't sure about it, to begin with, but you got me hooked. I love what you are doing with this. The characters are awesome. It was nice to see the Winter Soldier, and I would like to see him again. Can't wait to see Bucky. You do a great job of keeping them in character. I love Spider-Man and Steve in this as well as other characters. Hawkeye is fantastic as well. Great job and keep up the excellent work.
Dragon Rider 66 chapter 8 . 6/14/2018
oh yay, ant-man. you do realize that I now hope to see this update around the time "ant-man and the wasp" come out in theaters right?

anyway, this was a nice little chapter, we got to see some social development, and how things are going to go for our heroes now, along with what's going to happen with jan and hank next chap, but something tells me it's going to be something similar to that white tiger episode from ultimate spider man.

anyway, related to that stuff at your top AN regarding kingdom hearts, more specifically your duel keys one, what are you going to do about how in cannon aqua becomes a xeahnort?
Fan-Writer1001 chapter 8 . 6/14/2018
Awesome, just one question, is the "Scott Lang" that is going to appear going to be based on the MCU? 'Cause that would be awesome.
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