Reviews for When Susie Met Taffy
gravityfallslover34 chapter 1 . 4/21/2019
Great Story Celrock i'm Glad that Susie & Taffy met for the first time keep up the wonderful great writing
JKL10010012NJP chapter 1 . 7/8/2016
Nice fanfic here on how Susie met Taffy. You fill in the nice missing gap. I like how Susie was a really good helper. She really was nice in helping Taffy with the minis.

As for Angelica's behavior. My goodness, is she naughty.

As Cindi Lou in the Grinch said it best...

"Umm, maybe you need a timeout."

I'm looking at you Angelica! I'm looking at you Angelica!

I really enjoyed this.
Blue090899 chapter 1 . 7/5/2016
Great story made my day a little more interesting. Can't wait for the next Celrock story. :)
acosta perez jose ramiro chapter 1 . 7/5/2016
Very good one.

Yeah, I guess Angelica will think that Taffy likes Susie better than her now; usually, Taffy and Angelica have no issues, but with Susie around, Taffy had to ground and lecture her several times.

Keep the good writing.
Nairobi-Harper chapter 1 . 7/3/2016
Hey celrock,

Fantastic job here, and, interesting that that was how Susie managed to meet her.

I apologize for reviewing so late, and also for getting nothing up over the weekend; I started writing a story yesterday that I decided I would try finishing today. I was indeed doing fine for the first few hours of my day when I woke up, but around one-thirty, I started feeling dizzy, so I took some medicine and decided to go off for a nap. I planned on sleeping for two hours, but I haven't had an alarm clock since middle school, and ended up sleeping for around 7 more hours and 30 minutes (seeing as how I'd woken up twenty minutes ago at the time I am sending this.)

The good news, however, is that I'm currently writing a long one-shot detailing Helga and Olga's sisterly relationship over the years, and how it goes through a downfall. The story structure was inspired by a Simpsons fanfiction story called "Good Things Come In Paris" and based on what I have done so far, I think I'll be able to get it up tomorrow during the nighttime.
Sofia2017 planning chapter 1 . 7/3/2016
aw How Sweet it about time Susice Meet Taffy and i have an Rugrats Ideas for you too'?
Boris Yeltsin chapter 1 . 7/3/2016
Loved it.