Reviews for Project Titan: Subject Rogue
RoseyMirror chapter 1 . 5/11
So I just came back and realized — maybe not the most clear wording entirely. I’m so sorry, I was very tired when I wrote the first review.

This AU is very amazing. I know in one of my reviews years ago, I said this was one of a kind — and it is. You’ve made a masterpiece. Like I said, the character development, the final scene of freedom, their reactions, the other shifters, Eren; you clearly wrote with a goal in mind, and the result was really an amazing read. Thank you for this.

I am thinking about possibly writing a sequel or a companion fic to this, maybe an AU with the same premise; but I will never write a sequel or companion fic without your permission. You can PM me about this if you’d like.

On my final note, thank you for putting this out there for several people to enjoy, and thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this review. Good day, and good luck in your life.
RoseyMirror chapter 26 . 5/11
Yeah, I was one of the guests who read this a few years back and was the one who went crazy with questions and suggested the Coordinate idea. I have my account now - yay.

I came back to revisit this story and honestly I still absolutely fucking love it. You’re a great writer. Eren’s cold vengeance, his character development - all very well done. I almost want to write a sequel myself to it, but I feel uneasy without your permission. I’m not certain on this, but I’m leaning towards it.
InfiniteAJ chapter 26 . 7/11/2019
It took me way too long to finish this fic (I get distracted easily by other fics) but I'm so glad I did. This story was amazing. Some people may not have liked the ending, but I personally think it's perfect. It'd be hard to continue this storyline or try to come up with an epilogue to this fic given how the actual storyline goes, especially after the Battle of Shinganshina arc, so I think the open end is fine. I can happily imagine they all meet back up at some point in time, somewhat mentally better, and all share a drink.

I'm a bit surprised the topic of whether Lily and Dove were Violet's children was never addressed, and why Gwen seemed to struggle so much when she was captured even though Eren wanted it to happen, but otherwise, I think everything else is perfect.
Shiranai Atsune chapter 25 . 2/7/2018
I had so much fun reading! Congrats on finishing the fic!
Hyourinmaru Kills chapter 26 . 2/9/2018
Fenrir's Fang96 chapter 25 . 2/8/2018
Excellent end of the story, finally violet got what he deserved, please tell me there will be a sequel to this great story
TheMysteriousPerson -0-'-0 chapter 25 . 2/7/2018
This kinda isn't an ending really there still alot of conflict and plot to be added to end it here is to leave it unfinished its like the ending of book 1 in a series the can have at least two other books in Addition but either way i've enjoyed reading this you did a good job hope you have a nice day till next time
Khyler Bane chapter 24 . 2/3/2018
jul 6, to dec 8... 2017. 22 chapters. hell of a run. can't wait to see how it end/concludes... if it does that is. I mean heck of a closeing to a chapter
seshhxkagii99 chapter 24 . 2/3/2018
continue the story pleaseee
Littlecosma001 chapter 24 . 1/3/2018
I really love your story a lot! It's so creative and I love all of your OCs :)
Cesar RR chapter 24 . 12/19/2017
Well, this is the first fanfic I read, and wow!, men you are awesome!, keep writing you are very good.
TheMysteriousPerson -0-'-0 chapter 24 . 12/20/2017
Amazing story so far wonder how the armoured titan bertolt,and annie action are going to be influenced by titan and his small crew of titans shifters
Guest chapter 24 . 12/8/2017
fine work, I'm greatly looking forward to the reunion in full. and the bitch getting what she deserves... keep up the quality writing.


EpicMS chapter 24 . 12/10/2017
Nice chapter! I feel like that psycho's gonna go back and attempt to recapture them. Hope you update soon. First semester is finally coming to an end!
GameOfFandoms chapter 24 . 12/9/2017
I'm so glad you updated! This is such an interesting take on AOT and your writing is brilliant, please keep more coming!
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