Reviews for Kami no kekkonshiki no yoru (The God's Wedding Night)
Matilda chapter 1 . 10/1/2018
omg I love it so much
the god chapter 1 . 7/17/2018
very interesting but its not the way i remeber it – The God writes a review
nana chapter 1 . 5/29/2018
June Magic chapter 1 . 3/6/2018
It was beautiful, hot and perfect. I noticed how carefully you chose your words, the actions of the characters. Thank you for this lovely story.
Luin-fanel chapter 1 . 6/30/2017
I love it from the start to the very end, really, really cute, sexy ang gorgeous, thanks a lot, I just finish the manga and then I find this, and al I want is here *0* so, again, thanks a lot for share this beautiful fic. SARABA
this is good chapter 1 . 4/4/2017
This was perfection! You write these characters so beautifully, and throw in a little bit of your own style and interpretation of the original material to keep things interesting. I hope you intend to write more! Your story telling is absolutely fabulous
mrs. zala chapter 1 . 9/19/2016
this story looks really beautiful. wow.
very nice. I always wondering how tomoe and nanami's life looked like after he become human.

good job for you!

too bad.. it's only one shot. hehe

until next time,

Mrs. zala
kori kaoru himura chapter 1 . 9/3/2016
I now know through your stories how the manga ends (I actually didn't ponder about the real ending until now). Reading your author note at the end suggest they have a child and the actual ordeal of making Tomoe human and Nanami returning the god's mark take place. I think the ending was fitting and the fact that you were able to recreate the potential wedding night with this information was brilliant. I loved the story as I have done thus far with everything you have written and I have read. I love this couple and this anime so thank you so much for giving us such a romantic ending.
Caterinasama chapter 1 . 8/28/2016
This ending of their adventures is perfect ! PERFECT ! As Nanami I am crying simply because I am too happy ! This is the best fanfic for Kamisama Hajimemashita
eveelima chapter 1 . 8/27/2016
When I finished the manga, I couldn't help but wonder how this would go. Obviously I didn't expect the manga to have a lemon scene like this, but KamiHaji does have some sexual themed scenes, with Tomoe's personality and the way he's always teasing Nanami, Julietta has made him quite shameless in some parts, so I was just hoping to have a little peek into their wedding night. Unfortunately, it didn't happen, so I looked for a fanfiction like yours.
And it was just perfect, because your writting is flawless, the characters were preserved, the dialogues are just perfect and fitting.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
shadewithoutcolor chapter 1 . 8/11/2016
Ohhh it was so good,I like how you painted Tomoe to be a tender lover,it indeed makes my heart race and those little references to the past between Tomoe and Nanami especially on Tomoe's past and that part when she touches herself *sighs* I like how you convey it without going porn-like! Anyway I am happy they are married together :)
Wenchster chapter 1 . 7/17/2016
You've got an amazing gift for writing your stories as canon as fan-writer possible. You never have to worry about that. Every Kamisama Kiss and InuYasha story you've written has never strayed from the path, which is huge part to why your work is so well received. Not to mention the InuYasha/Kagome and Tomoe/Nanami lemons are beyond, beyond, beyoooooond hot! And by the by, I know your worried about lemons becoming repetitive, but (I speak with a completely honest heart) I have *never* come across a oneshot of yours, in both fandom, that have been even remotely similar. Each couple/scenario is vastly different, and simply put, magical every time. First and foremost you have to be able to capture the essence of the couple, and I have seen only a handful of people who can do it as well as you.

Thankyou for writing and sharing this beauty. Even though it ended on a great high I was sad to see the KH series end. However, this one-shot has made me feel complete and at peace. ...It also helps that I heard through the grapevine that theirs going to be a Season 3 (not the OVA's but an actual anime season!) coming in December this year. (It may or may not be true, but my source hasn't failed me yet, so fingers crossed!)
Sierra chapter 1 . 7/7/2016
Let me just say that I love your kamisama kiss fics so much! I've read so many on here but I always enjoy yours the most. It's the way you write, the words you use, everything. You're a very talented writer, keep it up!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/7/2016
I lovr this! Please write more. Especislly how Tomoe remains a fox
vaughnb919 chapter 1 . 7/8/2016
I love your stories sooooo much.