Reviews for City of Hope
Brookie Twiling chapter 6 . 2/25/2017
Hmm, good story. I wonder if Elizabeth's birth parents knew they were Shadowhunters or not and if so, why leave her at a mundane orphanage. Dumbasses. I'm really liking this story, it's really good. I'd also love to make a cover photo for this story, if you like. PM me if you do.
Guest chapter 6 . 8/6/2016
Softballpup12 chapter 6 . 7/24/2016
This is awesome!
Guest chapter 5 . 7/20/2016
Okay so Alec or Magnus should really find her doing this in the situation like i would prefer Alec therefore it could lead onto the asking about the shadow world part and then you'd have a chapter but I'm sure whatever you have it would be amazing considering it already is I can't wait til you update I love it so far although it's sad so yeah UPDATE SOON PLEASE
Ambrosia Ice chapter 5 . 7/19/2016
Honestly, I feel like she is going to attempt at running away and maybe say some really rude things to the family to insure they don't come looking for her... and then she's going to find herself in a situation she can't handle. And Magnus being Magnus had been tracking her, because the words didn't effect him or Alec- maybe the kids where hurt by her words.

And maybe he's surprised that she isn't fighting back and that she's just crying, though her hair is covering her face so it's just her shoulders moving.

And then he rescues her. But she's already turned to flee, since she keeps telling herself that she doesn't care about them, so why should she stay? Or that she can't fight, that she'd just be useless and just get in Magnus, or Alec, or Raf, or Max's way.

But that isn't where it stops. Nope. It gets a lot darker e-e like she tries to commit suicide and it's on the news about a girl found in Central Park at 6 am in a pool of blood and barely breathing.

So the whole Gang goes to the hospital and because she thinks she's dead, she opens up to them a lot more and after a day or so she finally finds the courage to ask if she's really dead (since she WANTED to be dead when she woke up she didn't ask) and is embarrassed and trieshe to shut down again... and the group just WON'T let her bottle everything in anymore.
Jili11Malec chapter 5 . 7/19/2016
This was really cool! It's actually the first fanfic I've read but I'd love to hear more! The way you describe Malec monements is adorable. the first few pages had some typos but it was overall amazing! Keep writing, I'm dying to hear more.
Lily Truesdale chapter 4 . 7/16/2016
What a lovely story dear. Excited to see more!
Ambrosia Ice chapter 4 . 7/12/2016
I like it. I think you write the lead character very well. Especially where she's trying so very hard to not accept that anyone could accept her (an orphan who's grown up believing no one wanted her. And being bullied because of it) but I think that is coming from her brain while her heart is making her feel like she can trust them, and they only want to help. It's Brain VS Heart.
sophie king chapter 3 . 7/10/2016
i love the original concept of this, also the lightwood-banes just make my heart MELT!
sophie king chapter 2 . 7/9/2016
ohhhhhh i like .
Guest chapter 2 . 7/8/2016
Omg first one I've read about Alec and I like it please update soon