Reviews for Sketch
Child of the Rune chapter 1 . 5/9/2013
I read this a while ago and coming back to it it's as amazing as always!

Again, your writing style is brilliant.

I love how you've added extra little characteristics to them, with the added cuteness of being wonderful and evietro-y.

Twas a beautifully hilarious story, I love Pietro's comments and Evan's confusion.

Adoooorrrreeeddddd this story!
Vanessa Masters chapter 1 . 8/14/2011
RayenOfDeadStarsAndPlanets chapter 1 . 6/12/2011
Cute~~! -mini spaz moment-
ShootToThrill chapter 1 . 9/8/2009
This made me do lots of things while reading. Smile, blush, giggle, frown... it is amazing! I ADORE your portraying of both characters, so precise to the original ones it makes me think it could happen in the story! (thought the random mention of Lance and Scott was, well, very random) but it could be ignored! :D

I hope you keep writing one-shots this amazing! It was so sweet and fluffy...
Hiriyou chapter 1 . 12/29/2003
Yay! Fluffy Sap, hehehe _;; (I curse my friend, of who I am currently sitting on...damn her for getting me into X-men Evo fiction...particularly Evan/Pietro.. -.-;;) Hmm, we just wanted to tell you we really liked your fics...but YOU NEED LEMONS! _;;
~Hiriyou and TK _
(P.S.- Finish up the "Just the Two of Us" Trilogy! dammit!)
BlackCat9 chapter 1 . 8/3/2003
Aw...Why don't this got more Reviews? It should have more..lots more...I thought it was very sweet in its own way. Loved it thought it was great want more people to read it...I would send to friends if watched show..(twerps don't watch show though so it is moot...) You will get more reviews if I have to do it my self..Grin...Never stop writing!

Chibi-chan v2.5 chapter 1 . 5/22/2003
That was beautiful! :)
Sarkywoman chapter 1 . 2/1/2003
Loved it! It's stories like this that make me Evietro-obsessed!
evolutionary spider chapter 1 . 1/28/2003
geez louise, the main thing I wanted to say was that this was so freaking good. Great portrayels, very believable, this was one Evietro to brag about. Woo, I was sucked it by the story and hooked. Man your writing style is so dope. :) Is there a possible SEQUEL? please? *gives a hopeful face* Come on you did so great on this I bet you'll do just a great on a sequel, besides I'm curious to know what it is they have to do in the city. God I think I've read practically all of your Evietros fics, I know I probably haven't reviewed them all, but I know I've read them. hmm, maybe I'll go reread and review. _

gillywine chapter 1 . 1/27/2003
Awww. I'm not usually inta slaaash, but i saw this and said what the hell and im happy i did. I love pietro! his 'drawing style' reminds me of mine... keep up the good work! *bows*
Jane Silver chapter 1 . 1/27/2003
You have brought much honer to all thouse Even Pietro fans out their. I hope you will do another chapter.