Reviews for Death and Redemption
Daraen-dragmire chapter 7 . 6/4
Well damm! good to see that your not give up on the story i am curious to see where the relationship between wolf and krystal gona go !
Cowansm3 chapter 7 . 6/4
Man, you don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to see this update! Well, you probably do, seeing as I bugged ya about it months ago :U.

In all seriousness, I’m glad to see this updated, and now I’m probably more invested in this than I thought I’d be. Star Wolf aren’t a bunch of brutish thugs, they’re quite literally… Well, a pack if you will! You can see it in the interactions between the three. (Not sure about Powalski, it’s been a while so I can’t remember if he made an appearance just yet. Time for a reread!) I just really love that dynamic, you know? Theyre tough guys who care, not just for each other, but even the weak and innocent. I’d love to see more of that where appropriate. Hell, I’d even clamor for whole one shots about the three. And Panther gave me a good chuckle out of using a BDSM cage to hold a captive. Can’t blame him: Those got to be useful somewhere else after all!

I’m really happy to see that Fox and Wolf are starting to understand each other better now too, even if Fox still isn’t completely sure if he should trust him. I can’t wait to see where else this story will go, I can already feel some sort of tragedy afoot, this might be too big a job for even Wolf to handle… For now, take care man!
Reddogdingo chapter 6 . 9/10/2018
This story is excellent and well worth continuing with. There are a few spelling mistakes like new for knew, but the format is unusual making it hard to find. Can you at least post it to the commonly used starfox site? I only ever found your story by accident
reddogdingo chapter 6 . 8/20/2018
The main thing I want for this story is for it to continue and the lack of an update is concerning. It was also quite hard to find. Your Wolf is very good.
Duane Stine chapter 6 . 12/20/2017
I binge read the entirety of the story so far and it is really good, I do hope you continue it
Lala chapter 6 . 8/12/2017
Okay, first of all, ENGLISH IS YOUR SECOND LANGUAGE?! I came into this, reading the first few lines and thinking 'this person is a goddamned poet or something, I've been blessed!' seriously, as an avid fanfiction reader, I've seen some BAD writing, in fact, a huge amount of what I've seen still haunts me. At LEAST-and this is a stoop-70% of what I've seen has been downright cringeworthy. It is SO rare to find legitimately good writing out there, yet here we are, and when I heard that English was your second language I died a little on the inside. You are INCREDIBLY talented, love. English is, and always has been my only language, and this level of having a way with words is something I could only dream of achieving. Seriously, WELL done.

And, GOSH, not only are you good with words, but the CHARACTERS... I'm a little stunned from it all. This is just INCREDIBLY well done. I love the way you grasped their personalities, I love the way you have them interact. The soldiers and other characters you've added are perfect, they fit so damned well into the world, you could tell me they're Canon and I wouldn't be surprised. The way you write their dialogue? I can frigging hear them in my head, speaking, I can see the surroundings, I can smell the smells, feel the tension, and sorrow, and panick, and relief! You flipping got it, love, you shook this reader to the bone.

It was tense and emotional, but also had a lot of comedy, which was COMPLETELY necessary to keep me from having the fist of doom in my stomach for the next week-I've legitimately gotten this from some fanfictions that were just far too soon and not nearly enough pleasant.

It was an AMAZING balance. And the naughty scenes? My god it was plot driven. It was realistic. It was fucking good. Sexy scenes are usually tasteless, and meaningless from what I've seen. I tend to hate them. But THIS... I salute you, love, this was just really amazing.

The entire thing was just an amazing read, SO Worth scrolling through the childish pile of fanfiction you usually have to go through to get to the gems. At this point, I'm so damn satisfied that honestly, I wouldn't mind if you never continued this-though I would love if you did.

And of COURSE there was the occasional slip up, in grammar, mis-spelling, confusing punctuation, but I barely even noticed it, honestly. It was incredibly slight, what was there.

Heck, I gotta say, I'll be checking in on this to see if there's more, often. You've inspired me. Hell, I might write something decent for once.

My goodness, overall, great job on this, seriously a solid pat to the back for you, love! Keep up the amazing work, and I sincerely hope you have an amazing day~
Reciprocate chapter 6 . 1/27/2017
Alrighty, was going to review this one early on, but wanted to wait to see where it went before hand, and the wait was well worth it. Now, I'm going to be a bit bias here, be fair any review is, but I'm going to wear them on my sleeve here, so no pussy-footing.

Let's start with the main thing that is very well done about this fic, and that is. Wolf, you're incarnation of him is very well done, hell the best I've read. He's fierce, cunning, and show's his prowess in many spots. Every time he's on screen it's great and I mean it's really fucking great, so I give two thumbs up for a damn well made Wolf, but. This is also the issue, he's having to do all the heavy lifting. The rest of the cast feels weak compared to him, or they're just there. Which is a shame because they need to be bouncing off of him and adding more two it.

Second best thing. You're detail of the station is damn well, it lives, it breathes, and it it dances. That is damn fine world building, and it works great. Sometimes it can be a bit wordy, but it doesn't ruin the flow.

Now...onto the cons.

There's a bit of telling here and there that I just kind of skimmed over, well that and I'm just searching for Wolf's lines because damn they are good, but pack to the point. If it's not on screen as in like a TV show or a movie, then it's more than likely telling and is not needed. It's not too bad, but it is there.

The rest of the cast, I'll get to Krystal here in a bit.

Fox, was Fox. He's caring, shows how much he does care, just feels like there's not much to his character, his lines are okay, his action and thoughts are justifiable, but he just feels there, like he's not adding much to anything. And his lines I did look for too, but I just found myself skimming them because he didn't really have anything standing out for himself, and compared to how well you did Wolf, well Fox's kind of meh.

Miyu,Panther, and Leon. Suffer this kind of too, well Miyu is because she just popped up so, she has a free pass, but I'm getting a hunch she's just going to be a plot device used to attack Wolf, and then Krystal saves him and then they fall into their true feelings for one another. Probably just a presumption, and well presumption are bad, so I'll give it a pass. Panther... I was kind of hoping for him to get some spot light seeing how he's in the character tags, was kind of hoping to see more of the kitty o'well.

Now onto Krystal.

You made her a really though girl who was interesting at the start, and was, until this chapter. She kind of felt a bit eh. She seemed a bit distant from Wolf, and now here she is...washing him, and later on lusting for him, I mean yeah, it's fucking Wolf, who doesn't? But it felt kind of quick...or maybe I haven't read this in sometime and missed something, but she just kind of started to lust for him and as it went on it, like they should be having chemistry between the two and bouncing off of one another like a ballet dance, but to me it felt kind of clunky. Like they only were lusting for one another not in love, and by reading the parts of their interaction and what they wanted it really just felt like lust and not love, which just not my cup of tea. That and what is it about her that Wolf is interesting in, he has the power to be with anyone, so Krystal needs to have something more to her that makes him want her the same goes for her lusting for Wolf, I mean when you had her..mind-fuck herself...? Kind of skimmed that part, it seemed she only wanted him because of his ferociousness. It's probably just me, so you don't really have to take anything from this.

Damn Krystal didn't know you liked it kinky there at the end, sheesh. And Fox gets slammed dunked into the friend zone, take that you poo-brown fox eared bastard.

For someone who says their English isn't good, you use a lot of big words, and be careful with those, yes they sound nice, but they are speed-bumps and can ruin the flow, also not everyone is going to know English all that well, so don't make them have to carry a dictionary just to read, but to be fair. All writers are guilty of using these nice fancy words.

Well then good thing I'm not a good writer, now I wont have to worry about getting bit.

So, overall the Fic is good, it has issues, but every work does, so it's all good, and looking forward to the updates, because I'm usually not looking for stuff like this because I'm a gaywad. This is doing a damn good job at keeping me hooked for not being my usual up of tea.
bryan mccloud chapter 6 . 1/26/2017
i wonder what color is fox mccloud fur is right

it will be very funny if the color is

and when fox go look into a mirror...
Guest chapter 6 . 1/26/2017
Damn, I a WolFox shipper, but I am loving this story, throug I still wish it was a OT3 with Krystal(there is only one wolfoxother, with katt, and a good one)
Well, otherwise, the plot is growing in a awessome way
Shadowsthebest chapter 6 . 1/26/2017
Wow. Just wow. Best writing I've read in a long time. The plot is slightly odd at times but this is gold bro. Not sure how you'll finish this but it will be epic. Fox gonna die of jealousy. Keep going, don't stop now.
Daraen-dragmire chapter 5 . 1/2/2017
well fuck talk about being intense ! i am so glad you don't give up the story,i freaking love this story!
keep the good work bros!
graystripe chapter 4 . 10/4/2016
you know, if there is going to be a teeny weeny bit of torture, it will be very funny to see fox having his tail fur being shaved
Daraen-dragmire chapter 2 . 9/5/2016
interesting story so far can'wait to see wolf,krystal and fox interacting with each other
hope you don't give up on the story
GrimlockX4 chapter 2 . 7/17/2016
I wonder how Fox and Krystal will react to whatever Wolf has in store for them?
ih8kintaro chapter 1 . 7/12/2016
Very tense and very well written. The characters' reactions to high stress situations feel very real. I'll definitely be following this. Keep at it and don't get discouraged!
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