Reviews for A Not So Different Fourth Year
Millie072 chapter 8 . 7/8
Why would Harry accept Ron back so easily? After all Ron accused him of cheating and lying for a solid month. He knew about the dragons and said nothing. If this a friend, give me enemies. At least they're upfront about attacking you.
Guest chapter 6 . 5/17
No Tony Snark?
Gershwhen chapter 8 . 2/10
Seriously? You didn't have his fathers attend the the first trial? Any parent who cares would have shown up.
AliceCullen3 chapter 18 . 12/13/2019
cptbludz13 chapter 8 . 10/6/2019
That part always annoyed me the most the fact that Harry easily forgave Ron. If it were me I would have ignored him for the same amount he did. Even though they resent talking for the same amount that does not count atleast to me.
I've always hated Rob and Funny and to a certain degree Hermione as well!
SlytherinMonster120 chapter 7 . 9/25/2019
Why you in a tree Malfoy?
Kushka chapter 19 . 9/13/2019
Great story
Guest chapter 16 . 4/23/2019
You didn’t kill Cedric; Tom Riddle did. “Kill the spare” was necessary for the plot to show how callous Riddle is, how ruthless and heartless.
Guest chapter 13 . 4/23/2019
Nice family reunion.
Guest chapter 11 . 4/23/2019
Good Aileen chapter.
Guest chapter 5 . 4/23/2019
Good Papa Loki.
N. A. Wennerholm chapter 17 . 2/10/2019
Actually, they don't need that old man he his reasoning skills are shit. You don't keep people alive who are a threat to the general population especially those who don't see what they are doing is wrong and continue to do what they are doing and unrepentant about it. This just shows why we have a death penalty.
N. A. Wennerholm chapter 16 . 2/10/2019
Plus there is the bit with keeping the old ways not all of them are worth keeping especially if you know their origins and the evil results from them. And even though the spelling and pronunciation are different. After reading What Aileen said and was making her Adopted parents do disgusts me it is a disgrace knowing my mother she wouldn't be so happy about it I Remember my mother laying into others who shared her name because of their actions or inaction. Regardless of what you may have warned. And the end not of this chapter I don't give a shit. No matter what anyone says things don't have to happen as they claim. Utter bullshit. Many Prophecies are given so people can change them and avoid them. Only a few actually have to take place to prove a point in that it is not worth opposing the Heavenly Father and his well because in the end to misuse one's free will, will just result in one's downfall and destruction. And that goes for all the races/species.
N. A. Wennerholm chapter 16 . 2/10/2019
Cedric did need to die this is why that They should have interfered. And That Diggory boy should have listened. I never liked the unnecessary deaths, especially of the good guys. Plus when dealing with the bad guys you put them to death you don't just lock them up. Because of all you do if you don't you just let further evil to continue. And Loki should have simply reacted to what his instincts were telling him.
N. A. Wennerholm chapter 14 . 2/10/2019
Actually, Dumbledore needs to be hurt to get the point across not doing do this shit ever again but I would just hurt him I would Lay into the entire Ministry of the Magic along with Rita Skeeter and The Daily Prophet. Because I am someone who wouldn't put up with their Bullshit.
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