Reviews for Fighting for the future
Aragorn II Elessar chapter 17 . 6/1/2018
Awesome sequel. Really like the inclusion of Lex Luthor. The fights with him and the Amazo in the end were cool.
The future sequence was interesting too. And I'm glad you revealed the existence of Black Siren to Team Arrow. But I still think the broken trust was mostly fixed in the end.
The prison break was cool too. Great reference to Wentworth and Dominic's TV Series with the title there.
And the revelation that Conner is actually Ollie's biological son was pretty great. As I suspected, Thea is Liam's mother in this story. Having 'Laurel' as a middle name was a nice touch.
Arrowman chapter 17 . 2/23/2017
Quentin retiring by choice? Sure...
Loved the snowbarry moment, short and sweet. God I love that pairing!
I expected more from Oliver and Nyssa. This felt rushed, she didn't even say she loved him back.
And I think they would both like a second «real» wedding. Nyssa might even propose herself.
Maybe you could write or comission a one-shot where this is further explored( please!)

Overall I loved this story. Thank you so much for your time and effort.
It has been a pleasure to follow your work after all this time.
Keep up the good work! ;)
justread14 chapter 17 . 2/23/2017
Loved this read and the one before this.. left me always wanting more all the best for your next one.. I'd love if you done more Nyssa /Oliver fics Anyways love what you do till next time And can't wait for more
changingdestiny40 chapter 17 . 2/23/2017
Good chapter and this was a very good ending. I've enjoyed this fic a lot and you did a great job in writing it. Well done.

I see that my guesses were correct in regards to who flew the plane and fired the arrows.

I didn't expect the FBI to get involved in the search or for Barry and Caitlin to have a baby.

Congratulations on Oliver and Nyssa and Barry and Caitlin having babies and thankfully their children will grow up in a world that's not war torn by Lex and his robots.

Quentin, based upon his words, was within his rights to retire. I wish him well.

Have a very good day.
orthankg1 chapter 17 . 2/23/2017
Very nice.
Aryan229 chapter 17 . 2/23/2017
Good ending. They have better future now. Great job.
supercode chapter 17 . 2/22/2017
Great story! Glad you gave everyone a reasonably happy ending. And Quentin leaving makes sense.
Phillipe363 chapter 17 . 2/22/2017
A very enjoyable chapter and ending to the series

Just a ARGUS poi flying the plane makes the most sense.

Nice moment between Oliver and his son.

Roy being shocked that they managed to pull it off, yeah I don't blame him.

I liked the scene of Quentin telling Pike quits and explaining to him just what the cops in Star City of how broken and corrupt he SCPD is, with also handing in his badge and gun.

Which yea I guess for Quentin that has been building up since The Undertaking and also I liked the reasons behind why Quentin quits the force in this compared to whatever went down on the show. I think it had something to do with Donna.

I liked the moment between Barry and Catlin of learning she's pregnant.

I like the moment with the team before Oliver and Nyssa left along with the description of events that went down afterword's. Glad all of them got a happy ending.

Nice touch of ending it with a variation of the opening and how Oliver explains what he has now become.

Great story and series
Aryan229 chapter 16 . 2/19/2017
Awesome. Nice to Oliver using gun. Liked Connor calling Oliver dad.
this kind of force they should use on criminal. Half problem of starling will be solved and people will trust police.
Phillipe363 chapter 16 . 2/19/2017
A very enjoyable chapter

First I liked all the scenes that Quentin was in. Him telling Hugo Strange that he will hold the man personally responsible then also explaining to Pike why he supports Oliver. Which tying it into the after effects of The Undertaking makes sense for when Quentin came to realize Star City needs Oliver.

Also agreed with Quentin on SCPD from the police department is they are after Oliver and his team due to their own greed and self interest.

Liked the character bit of Quentin could really care less if they remove him as long as Oliver and his team can keep working. The man has changed a lot from season 1.

I liked all the stuff in regards to the prison break out of Iron Heights and the action that went on there.

I'm guessing Lyla was flying the plane and the arrows came from some of the members of the League of Assassins.

Nice moment of the banter between Oliver and Nyssa when they meet up.

Oh Connor calling Oliver dad for the first time, is a nice touch.

I'll be back for more
ae11021 chapter 16 . 2/19/2017
Very nice update .I enjoyed the small convo between connor and Nyssa.
supercode chapter 16 . 2/19/2017
Great chapter! Love the Dark Knight reference and prison escape!
Arrowman chapter 16 . 2/19/2017
Loved the banter between Oliver and Nyssa.
Who fired the Arrows?
Given Dusan's birthdate, Nyssa should be getting pregnant in a few weeks, right?
Is she going to say «I love you» to Oliver?
Are they going to have a consensual marriage?( regardless of her respect for her culture, she also deeply values free-will. Especially her own. She seems the kind of woman who wouldn't be shy about proposing;))

Finally, with Lex dead is this coming to an end? Or is he or one of his associates coming back?
orthankg1 chapter 16 . 2/19/2017
Very nice, didn't see the plane coming.
changingdestiny40 chapter 16 . 2/19/2017
Good chapter, and great job with the prison break. I wonder who was firing those explosive arrows. Was it one of Nyssa's loyalists from the original League ? Also, I'm suspecting that Lyla was the one flying the plane.

Nice to see Quentin give Pike a piece of his mind.

It would still be nice for Quentin to clear Oliver's name of the crimes Ra's had framed him for. As for his season 1 kills, it didn't seem to matter anymore because not only did Captain (emphasis on captain) Lance seem to anoint him as the city's protector during season 3 during that press conference, but the mayor lady also went along with it. The only reason the police hunted Oliver in season 3 was because of what Ra's did. I know the mayor's dead but unless city council overturned her ruling regarding the Arrow, her and Quintin's decision to make Oliver the protector should still stand, especially if his name is cleared. All of this is my opinion and how I feel.

Have a very good day.
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