Reviews for Head Over Skis
Gremmy2 chapter 15 . 9/9/2019
Read the story twice! Such a terrific love story. Please write an intermittent follow up..maybe after a year into their living together. Thank you for your talent!
BernieWhiskers chapter 15 . 3/7/2019
What a lovely fic! I've just watched the last episode of Orphan Black and this was exactly what I needed to stop me crying over no more Cosima and Delphine!
Kxlibri chapter 1 . 6/29/2018
I have very much enjoyed reading this story. It's by far one of my favorites. Hope to read more of your stuff in the future!
Guest chapter 15 . 5/4/2017
awww we need a full sequel! and flashbacks to after cosima left the ski lodge and dealing with the long distance!
AmelChez chapter 15 . 3/19/2017
This was amazing. Thanks you.
DancingDaffodils chapter 15 . 11/3/2016
I cannot believe this is the last chapter! I remember the day I read the first chapter like it was yesterday.

This is a great way to begin the end of a story. I love the parallel with the first time they kissed. Only this time the roles are reversed. Love tour entrance Delphine! And Cosima made Delphine get a taste of her own medicine. I loved that scene!
"There’s like millions, maybe even billions, of germs" could it be a reference to infinitesimal? ;)

It is very cute that Cosima has a framed picture of the day they kissed for the first time on her desk. Second reference of the beginning in the end chapter and second reference to the title. Nice!

It made me laugh that the girls argue about who missed the other more.

I have the same reaction as Delphine when I found someone cute or beautiful in a picture. People always say "just in that picture?" -_-" And, just like Delphine, I mean every day but especially in that picture.
Alert! Cosima tries to be smooth and is being very cheesy and I love Delphine's reaction.

This sentence is “You’re so hot I’m surprised Shelly didn’t melt under your touch. I know I always do.” #CheekyCosimaIsBack

Haha. Hilarious! Delphine rented them a U-Haul. Love that Cosima still didn't' pack like the previous chapter. Glad to know she has not changed in three years. :P
"We have a lot of work to do. We, Cosima. You’re helping.” I love Delphine's sense of humor as well.

So nice Sebastian is mentioned and loves Cosima so much to the point where he wants her for Christmas again even after three years. 3 Haha, Cosima missed her calling as a Christmas gingerbread house architect. Love that she spend all the Christmases with the Cormier's since.

I felt Cosima was going to propose and I told myself, not she is not doing it like that, in a middle of packing boxes in an empty apartment when talking about her parents and Christmas but apparently yeah she is. I thought it was weird at first but it is sooo Cosima and it got me thinking that we lose sight of what is really important when we are looking for the perfect moment. Good lesson. And Cosima keeps an engagement ring in a slipper under a bed. There is only Cosima who would do something like that. I knew Cosima would be the one to propose. Also, nice reference to Charlotte.

Love Cosima's proposal speech. It is so cute. Haha, poor Delphine afraid of Cosima's parents hearing them make love. Nice that they will live in Toronto. "Even when you were annoyed at me, you still told me you loved me." There are so many great sentences (in both their speech) I cannot quote them all. Seriously these two have the best relationship. It is how more people should think and they would live better and happier. Good lesson again.

"This is it for me, Delphine. You are it for me. You were it for me the moment I made a fool in front of you that first day in Chamonix and you are going to be it for me the moment I make a fool in front of you before I take my final breath." Have I ever said these two were relationship goals? The moment someone tells you that…

Dr. Delphine Cormier, will you marry me and be my buddy for life?” Cosima could not have proposed in a better way. 3 Love that line.

I love Delphine's whole speech about Cosima's rambling, it is really cute. "And what you call making a fool of yourself in front of me, I call making me fall in love with you by being your charmingly quirky self" 3 3
"I wasn’t really leaving my family, I was going to start my own, with you." 3 How cute is that one as well? I really have to stop quoting otherwise the whole chapter will end up here. Wow, having someone tell you that is beautiful.

Fire pit for s'mores night! GREAT IDEA!

Delphine is right Sumo wrestlers trying to have sex is quite the visual. This is something I cannot unsee I hope you are aware. x) Haha Delphine is sure Cosima wants that. I am sure being pregnant at the same time is a very bad idea, otherwise. Haha, now they will call their children Charlotte, Kira, Oscar, and Gemma. xDDD

Wow, Cosima asked Delphine's parents her hand in marriage. I love that! I love that Cosima organized things with her future in-laws and even the ring with Adeline and that everyone managed to keep it a secret.

Nice reference to the show with the Neolutionists and immortality.

"I look forward to our endless love" 3 So many cute lines in this chapters (Who said anything about cheesy)
And to think you wanted to take it down.

Haha, Marion, Charlotte's mother recommended them. Delphine taught her kid to ski and it was her lifelong dream when she couldn't' even walk properly and Cosima has been her kid's ski buddy when Kira got hurt. How could Marion not recommend them? xP

But yeah, I want to say Cosima made the bet of her life because she did not know how things would have worked for Delphine and herself but as long as she was sure of her feelings she would have been a fool not to plan all of that.

I so love that Meggie, Shelly and Jenna make another appearance and at the same time too. And this works so well in the story. Shelly would make a great ice sculpture! And I am so honored to be at the wedding and to sing for them! This is so cool!

“You, my love, have exceeded all my wildest dreams.” 3 (Stop quoting!) Really, the moment someone tells you that, you know that you're a lucky bastard and that you have succeeded in life.

Haha, love Cosima falling asleep on Delphine! Yeah, no wonder Cosima slept so well! x)

Delphine with Cosima's short robe is quite the visual too. Not one for the boys, though.

Cosima is such a scatterbrain. And I love how when she is clearly in the wrong and she knows it she is giving Scott a hard time and he never protests. Seriously, Scott came at the time he was told you, knocked for 15 minutes without an answer, went to get breakfast for them because they weren't ready, helps to pack because Cosima has not finished to because she was talking love with Delphine instead and she just say priorities and he goes with it. x)

So nice of Delphine to thank Hell Wizard. Hey, Cosima can be nice with the boys when she wants.

Haha, I thought it was so nice Cosima asked Scott to be her man of honor but it was just a trap to make him pack for her. x)

I love that Cosima tells Scott to take a long look at Delphine to know why she only listens to everything she asks her to do. It reminds me Race for Love when Delphine asks Tony if he ever kissed Cosima because if he did he would know. Since he has not, he does not.

Haha, lame Zack and Cody American joke.
Aww, Cosima bought the whole ski shebang for Delphine! How cute! 3

“I’ve owned skis for years and nobody ever kissed me like that,” Hilarious! That has to be my favorite sentence of the chapter and also the funniest line.

Several minutes of kissing! Wow, that is a lot! Especially since they are not alone and the others are packing for them. x')

Nice reference to the guys' games between Rune Wars, Agricola and Dungeons & Dragons.

Haha, fantastic four. Now they're back in America, it is not the three of them but the four of them and Cosima still has a funny way to call them!

Hey, I would love to see what their superhero costumes would be!

So nice the four kids live in the same city and the same city the girls will leave in. I love that!

Haha, the college age boy could not resist Delphine!

And this is the end. I cannot believe it. Fifteen weeks of reviewing that end like that. My life is going to be quite empty.

Seriously, though. It is hard to believe there will not be any more chapters. It is also hard to believe the story ends there.

Thank you immensely for fifteen so well written, interesting long, perfectly balanced chapters. Thank you for fifteen weeks of a great story. It has been an incredible treat I have fully enjoyed.
I got hooked during the first chapter. I had not read anything like it in a long while and I really really loved it. I did not know I would have such a big influence on it then but I am glad I very honored I did. Also, this story is very important to me because we became friends thanks to it and this is invaluable. 3

You are talented. Do not stop here. You made me want to read everything you wrote one more time.

I cannot wait to see another work from you and to see what it will be.
Guest chapter 15 . 11/2/2016
Awesome story. Binge read it and loved the whole thing. Very well written thanks
calizzy101 chapter 15 . 10/30/2016
Aghhhhh! The beginning of the end! I'm going to miss this story so much, it's definitely one of my favourites 3
Guest chapter 15 . 10/30/2016
Ok so first I have to say when I read the title I was scared for like a second haha.
This story has been so totally awesome and I now think I have 2 go to stories this and race for love
I will say that after reading this now I want to know what this journey to there apartment looks like and what trouble they get themselves into but most of all I want to read about their wedding! Oh well I suppose that's a sign of a great story. You continue to imaging what comes next while knowing that the story actually has a next.
And there I go again rambling on and on. 2 thumbs up from me buddy and I am looking forward to more magic from you
Guest chapter 15 . 10/29/2016
Fantastic epilogue, thanks for sharing this fic
WelcomeToTheBoomtown chapter 15 . 10/29/2016
Roomsoes chapter 15 . 10/29/2016
I'm back with another review! :D I really loved this last chapter and it's amazing, I liked the way that involved the ski kids in this chapter. I don't know what to say, but hopefully you'll start a new storie soon 'cause I'm dying to see what you can do more and really I've fallen in love with your way of writing and your stories so I hope that I'll soon see another storie popping up on your account!
WelcomeToTheBoomtown chapter 14 . 10/27/2016
DancingDaffodils chapter 14 . 10/18/2016
This chapter started off really, really well. Even better than the previous one.

“You’re rubbing off on me,” Delphine yawns as she glances at the clock.
“In more ways than one,” Cosima winks.
This was simply hilarious! It had me laugh for a while.

I love Cosima's attention, the breakfast was very nice and thoughtful and the timing was just perfect.

“That one left an impression.”
“Yeah, of my body.”
This had me laugh for a while as well. Cosima is/you are hilarious!

I love how Delphine is always surprised of any sign of love and affection from Cosima as if she did not still believe Cosima could love her or at least love her back the way she herself does. So, I love when Delphine asks unbelieving if these past three weeks were indeed the best of her life.

Haha, they are indeed a bit sappy in this chapter. But they are relationship goals for starters and they are both utterly in love with one another and Cosima is leaving in a few hours so they are bound to be and they are cute so we will excuse them.

Loved that when Cosima laments that she would be all alone next time she wakes up in bed, Delphine said she better be. This had me laugh for a while. Delphine is not so bad herself when it comes to jokes.

Haha, Delphine is always up for getting out of bed if it means for a nice, long, hot shower with Cosima. Well, the contrary is true for Cosima as well.

It is so, so, so, so, so sweet of Cosima to want to sky a freaking piste noir, when she hates outdoor activities, she hates cold and, hates the snow and just starting getting the hang of skying, just because it is Delphine's favorite. Cosima is a great girlfriend!
Loved it though when Cosima thought that was it wasn't it was already impressive and they only were mid-station.

Cosima amazing calculating skills are back! I am disappointed, by the way, I had hoped she would pray the Snow Gods to manage to ski a freaking piste noire without falling!

#SappyCosima is back! I love her speech and I love how she imagined the wedding and her future with Delphine. So cute!

Wow, three weeks of knowing and loving each other and they already have visions and scenario in mind of what their wedding would look like. :P

You little - argh! You got me with your avalanche! I thought you were really going to include that during the last day and that Cosima was not able to go back the day it was planned because she was stuck in the snow with Delphine. Well, I should not write too quickly, everything can happen in an epilogue.

I love when Delphine speaks french in a middle of an English sentence. Yes, I would use charming too. Cosima is charming when she falls learning how to ski.

I can't actually believe clumsy Cosima skied a freaking piste noire three weeks into learning how to ski without falling once or worse hurt herself. She might have prayed the Snow Gods in silence, after all.

Oh Delphine, your mind is definitely in the gutter. :P

"It’s hard for me to think straight when you’re naked underneath me.”
“That’s the understatement of the century.”
This was HI-LA-RI-OUS! It had me laugh for a long while. x')
These two are so freaking funny (well, you are)! Cosima is definitely rubbing off on Delphine in more ways than one.

Haha, the looks on people's faces in the lobby when Cosima was piggyback riding Delphine must have been hilarious and priceless. I am laughing just imagining that whole scene.

Oh, cute they want to see each other's apartments. I can sense some surprise visits in the future. I can picture one of them on the other's bed when they had not planned to see each other that weekend.

“Well, I have pictures of you I’m gonna look at to do more than lift my spirits.”
Cosima just cracks me up! And Delphine too with her special Skype sessions and the doctor's metaphor.

I knew Cosima would pack at the last minute, even though they told Adeline they did not want that. I was sure of it! And I was sure Cosima would just throw her stuff in the suitcase in two minutes. Haha, Delphine makes me laugh when she refolds neatly what Cosima threw in her suitcase.

Oh, it is very cute that Cosima wears the t-shirt Delphine gave her on Christmas to keep her warm and that she wants to sleep in it every night until Delphine and herself are reunited and it is cute that Delphine just cannot wait to take it off of her.

I absolutely love that Cosima remembers every moment they shared in the room when she gives a last look before leaving. I can picture it clearly. Your fic would look great if it was a movie. The others would look great too.

I love that Delphine thanks Scott for giving her Cosima and entrust him with taking care of her.

Haha, that poem Delphine!

Delphine takes Cosima’s face in her hands, biting her lip as she looks deeply into Cosima’s eyes, “Oh my love.” Both of their eyes well up with tears as their lips meet in a passionate kiss, a passion meant to sustain them both until they’re reunited.
The bus’s horn interrupts their bliss. Their lips part reluctantly, while they remain forehead to forehead, neither of them ready to completely let go. “I love you so much,” Cosima whimpers.
“Je t’aime,” Delphine responds tenderly

Awww. 3 I absolutely love that scene! It is so beautiful. I had to quote it to do it justice. Just telling you what I loved about it by paraphrasing it just would not do.

Haha, Delphine giving Cosima a hard time about being nice to the boys.

Haha, haha, Love them two shouting they love each other.

Looks like Cosima was right about Delphine being in tears. Poor Delphine, though. Aww, Cosima is the cutest girlfriend ever. It was so nice oh her to text Luc so Delphine would no be alone and sad after her departure. Seeing her beloved brother, nephew and namesake will absolutely cheer her up.
Luc is hilarious. I love his honesty. Wow, Del, you’re a bit of a mess.” He simply cracks me up.
I love that he already liked Cosima and likes her even more now that she asked him to look out for her sister right after her departure. I especially love that he thinks she is a keeper.

“Although you did just let her leave, so maybe we need to work on your keeping skills.” The guy is just hilarious!

"Mémé told me you’re in love now."
“You two really need to stop gossiping about my love life.”
Just the thought of a grandmother and her grandson gossiping about the love life of their granddaughter/sister is hilarious to me somehow, I think it is because I can picture it quite clearly and it must be so funny.

Luc is really a nice brother, being there for his sister and treating her to ice cream when she is feeling low. I like that.

Haha, Scott cannot believe it is the same Cosima. Well, as Cosima said herself, love changes a girl.

Aww, this is so thoughtful of Delphine to have written her a letter and filled her bag with chapsticks. 3 Love it!

I hope there’s enough Chapstick in here to get you through the frigid Minnesota winter and keep you away from girls offering up their lips as a balm. #HilariousDelphine

Delphine admits Cosima is the true love of her life. 3 I do not care, this is not sappy.
Haha, I remember falling on that Sebastian, the love of my life, trap. x)

"Hearing you tell me you love me and want to continue our relationship was quite possibly the greatest moment of my life." Aww 3 I do not care again, this is not sappy. I love Delphine's admission. I believe this is possible to feel like that after a few weeks and it is awesome that she feels that, realizes it and admits it.

Especially if it involves s’mores! #HilariousDelphine. It is a great way to end a letter. I love it, after being so serious, let's talk about s'mores. x)

Aww, the letter made poor Cosima cry. It was a great letter, though. I would have loved to receive a letter like that if I had to leave the love of my life behind like Cosima.

It is great that Cosima truly thanks Scott for everything and is overall nicer to him.

I love that Cosima says to Delphine she is head over skis in love with her. I told you already I love the title and the different meanings. It is perfect!

Once again, thank you so much for an interesting chapter of that length and quality in just a week. This is really a treat and I truly appreciate it. You are amazing!

You really made me want to read again everything that you wrote which I will do starting with this one after the epilogue. Cannot wait to see how this story ends, although it will be weird for a while once it will be over. Keep up your amazing work!
Guest chapter 14 . 10/17/2016
I a G
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