Reviews for You're One In A Million You're One In Two
sevenrez chapter 10 . 7/30/2016
Just found and read your story and love it! Thank you for sharing it! Loved the concept and all the characters.
simonescully chapter 8 . 7/23/2016
_( ゚Д゚)_ Oh my lord! Please... please, that is not a reset! Amazing chapter. And I here expecting a party with all of them together and making peace with an orgy and you make Peter turn to dust? Now i who stay depressed! Just kidding ... I'm surprised it! Anxious and extremely curious for more! _ヾ(・д・ヾ) _
simonescully chapter 5 . 7/17/2016
Each new chapter I'm enjoying more this history! Especially the fact that the friendships between Peter, Olivia and Astrid strengthening! I also like the fact that Astrid be more participatory in the field! Very cool! And increasingly feeling great pity of AltLivia.