Reviews for Kendo no Go: A Fanfic in 100 Chapters
Guest chapter 100 . 1/30/2017
KureNo11 chapter 13 . 8/14/2016
I do believe by reading 'Yahiko no Sakabatou', that indeed KK had a very happy married life. I know that Kenshin did love Tomoe, but then I believe that after Jinchuu, his love for Tomoe has changed for something else, something more similar with 'friendship'.
I dont know why some people forgot the fact when Kenshin think he lost Kaoru, he indeed lived through living hell. It's possible that he loves Kaoru more, and he is smart enough to not dwell in the past, to not compare Tomoe with Kaoru.
I believe, even though Kenshin had not met Tomoe, considering his personality, he will still take a vow to not kill anymore. I also believe, if he had not met Kaoru, he will not find a place called home, nor he will learn what a true love is. Love that heal his wound faster. That fading scar is an evidence of their love.
KureNo11 chapter 28 . 3/21/2016
You're absolutely right! The anime didnt give Kaoru justice, and I hate how they making fun of Kaoru's feeling for Kenshin and depicts her as a woman who like to do domestic violence.
Despite her temper, she is a strong and wonderful character. Imagine a 17 year old girl, living alone in a dojo, earning money by herself, struggling on her father's legacy, not to mention she already lost her parents. While the other girls in her age should be hanging around with their friends, enjoying all the sweetness a girl hoped for. And I believe there will be no Kenshingumi if Kaoru doesnt exist.
KureNo11 chapter 91 . 3/21/2016
To say this chapter is sweet is understatement, it's beyond that. Really, I felt so many emotions at the same time. Your words were just flowing beautifully, made my tears falling with many different kind of emotions.
I long for a scene that could depict the time when Kenshin asked Kaoru to be his wife, and yours is perfect.
Well done!
Guest chapter 100 . 12/28/2013
Just I asked for a Kenshin's POV and here it is, great, wonderful, beautiful.
Thanks for this story, for showing his happiness, which fights against all his sadness. Perfect ending for this awesome fic
Guest chapter 99 . 12/28/2013
I like this very much, tough it would have been better if you had used Kenshin's POV or if he had spoken about what he was thinking to Kaoru. Just my opinion and my pleasure. Anyway, good job.
Guest chapter 97 . 12/28/2013
Wow, that was amazing. So good. That fear.. I love it.
Guest chapter 92 . 12/27/2013
So so so so sweet!
I love this one so much!
I think it's the one I like the most
Guest chapter 90 . 12/27/2013
Sooooo sweet! There are so many fears when you are a mother for the first time... And Kaoru is such a paranoid person...

And dealing with the previous chapter, I love Saitou's character. I fear him a bit in the manga, though. But in the action film he's just sooooo hot!
Guest chapter 86 . 12/27/2013
Very proud Kaoru. Good chapter, definitely.
Guest chapter 85 . 12/27/2013
Sooo cute! Poor Kenshin! Haha. I love these father-son interactions. So much sweetness in Kenshin's life he deserves..
Guest chapter 84 . 12/27/2013
Wow, I love Kenshin's words. I think we all were expecting the day he would defend Kaoru from Yahiko's dirt mouth. And the way you did it is awesome. He knows she deserves the better but his pride speaks first.
Wow. I do really love it!
Guest chapter 64 . 12/26/2013
Wow! I have felt Kaoru's anguish and you made my tears appear at the corner of my eyes, feeling her anger and desperate relief. Good good job
Guest chapter 60 . 12/26/2013
You know, I just love when Kenshin feels so much tenderness for Kaoru
Guest chapter 58 . 12/26/2013
"I won't let any of my shadows touch him". I love this sentence and the last one. I like very much others, such as "Scar". Nice work. I'll be keep on reading it till the end (Ayezur's fault)
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