Reviews for Pearls and Ribbons
Guest chapter 13 . 11/12/2019
You make your character so pathetic
BrookeWorm3 chapter 40 . 8/29/2019
You’re alive! Yay! Lol. I’m excited for you to be back only if it’s for a dirt period of time. I loved the update and I’m excited for the next update!
D00rFr4m3 chapter 39 . 6/14/2019
I'm really enjoying this, thanks for writing it.
BrookeWorm3 chapter 39 . 6/14/2019
Oh no...who could it be? Jake maybe? Her mom? Lord knows, but I'm excited to see who it is.
zaneri0t chapter 38 . 6/9/2019
Great chapter! Can’t wait for the next read!
BrookeWorm3 chapter 38 . 6/7/2019
Oh I loved it! I’m glad to see you back and I’m excited to see if Anne will stay or go. My vote is stay.
BrookeWorm3 chapter 37 . 5/31/2019
Ooo you’re back! Yay! And take your time, you have a life so don’t worry. But ooo Jacob is gonna tell Vivienne about imprinting...I’m excited and nervous fir hell at the same time. I’m excited for the next update!
D00rFr4m3 chapter 37 . 5/31/2019
You and these cliffhangers are brutal.

Thanks for the new chap, though! I enjoyed it.
D00rFr4m3 chapter 36 . 5/19/2019
That is viciously sad. Wow.

You can't stop here- there's a billion and one questions unanswered! What is Anne? A shifter? Something else? What war did her mother reference? What's up with Sebastian? Was *he* a shifter? Is there some sort of prophecy about Anne or something? How will Anne take the truth about the wolves and imprinting?
Ruby chapter 36 . 12/18/2018
Jacob looks like model Michael Hudson...
curlystruggle chapter 18 . 12/6/2018
Bella is a bitch and a snitch *pretends to be shocked*
Debbie Hicks chapter 36 . 12/1/2018
37. Chapter 37.
Jake your mind to my mind your thoughts to my thoughts our minds one and swhole suddenly a most alien fiery enery she Was a Syrannite of Surak's Teachings and The Kir'shara logic from him from the time of awakening with her sister were Telepathic her powers suddenly Emerged glowing more Supreme and powerful then was a physical shield hers mental at date of birth born with Teeth/canines fused at birth then suddenly were not humans with best friends were born Vampire Slaying Super Sailor Guardians and Knights born with Teenaged Ocampan ears were Pointed with firmer upswept but Slantd arched Eybrows their blood type was a T Like Spock and Sarek's were in fact Acolytes from the Temple of Mount Seleya trained of their strange but Alien telepathic ablities begun to hone their Telekinetic powers long Hair in a Colif wearing from the NASA's bodysuit two formed their White Martian Temple Religious but ceremonial but more traditional robes from it Hand jewelry Neckles both Vulcan Crown-headresses bangs were curled/swirly sides Paul drank beer then spat oh my god what are you We are Priestesses it's a female priest who has Authority ranks and titles who offciates and presides attended to the senior higher ranked chief high priestess a woman must be Chaste but single Sis Father died we are In sorrow we are remembering in White dress from the planet Vulcan Who is the head I am Clan Matratrich you are clan pl'klom yes two Vulcans one freaked Sir! the younger daughter is guarded by the eldest head of Her Ma'at is a Senior Higher Ranking Vulcan Priestess is a Acolyte of Gol wearing white for mourning Betazoid way no Ancient Vulcan customary temple way of Ancient Vulcan priestesses we honor their katras lost in the winds my sister read this ritual from Memory Alpha Heard the Chants of Vulcan monks Momma mia Madam you dare to speak to a reldai her voice was cold but harsher was with logic of Surak name please both T'Lar this is T'Asil initated with T'Suna What it's very ancient but with Neelix bugging the Doctor of the Chants of your planet came from Vulcan males oh no the Newest computer's speakers what this she is Meditating like a Vulcan priestess her room is filled with robes crafted by hand asked the woodcutter to make crown-headresses/temple ritual jewelry for us/the young women were Vulcan priestesses bound to the temple of Amonak yes created a fan film of religious life on the planet first CGI to turn Earth a Scorching world Cloaked trees altered animals from ZOOS Around the world added the Glorious Temple of Mount Seleya what T'Lita his wife of 31 years with her children of 7 year old Vulcan children Mike gulped crap hold it we are a priesthood my hair is straighten yes for the ritual Momma mia oh no he was a very religious man spiritual glad you entered this fan film corps yikes T'Asil I Grieve with thee for thy death of Father you belong with us we are your teachers Bree T'Suna is my new name of Surak oh no You shrimp ulp now they were Chanting of Reah's Lament like crazy but holiest in the ancient Tongues of Ancient Seleyan Vulcan priestesses in Vulcan dialects and tongues but were so very spiritual women were walking with Surak the Gods/goddesses were Shape-shifters used their powers with Zeus's mother to go undercover as Reah for a moon Sir! Reah deals with death and loss sacrificed him he resides only on this Vulcan holiday in Mt Helens on Vacation turned it as her holy Vulcan mountain wearing robes was Charred only her heart is locked What is that noise oh no she's telepathic via dreams Yes it's illisionary telepathy like a Martian woman Hello we are clad but we look different like you gasp Alice they look like Vulcan priestesses Sonvok was young for a very frightened Vulcan male was too afraid of her looks was terrifying to look at her.
BrookeWorm3 chapter 36 . 12/1/2018
Mind blown! OMG! Her dad is dead so how is he gonna see her get married. Poor girl, getting things thrown at her one thing after another. i cannot wait for the next update!
BrookeWorm3 chapter 35 . 11/23/2018
Riley knows, but not Vivianne. How rude!
BrookeWorm3 chapter 34 . 11/16/2018
Riley!? What in the mind is blown!
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