Reviews for Fuller House: Welcome Home, Michelle
Guest chapter 1 . 1/27/2017
Well i think this is the closest we will be a Michelle appearance in Fuller House (unless the role is being recast).

Thank you :)
IlvMLBCNTNSBFWFIYMHDisNickGirl chapter 1 . 1/23/2017
awe I love it!
IlvMLBCNTNSBFWFIYMHDisNickGirl chapter 1 . 1/23/2017
um, dont you mean after Tommy was born?
Boris Yeltsin chapter 1 . 9/1/2016
Loved it. More Fuller House stories, please.
Mark Sinacori chapter 1 . 8/25/2016
Thanks, Beuty6!

Unlike the other poster, who is a 10 year hacker of mine online and used all the letters in my first AND last name to create a fake profile username to say "Upload the script the right way" (I mean, the site won't let us do that, so this is the best I can get it!) you actually liked my story for the story and didn't worry about the structure. I wish this site made screenplays upload in the correct format but they don't.

If Kris Macaroni (Nice switch from the letters of Mark Sinacori) is an accomplished award winning screenwriter in Los Angeles, I'm Jeff Franklin!
Beuty6 chapter 1 . 8/25/2016
Love it please let Michelle with teddy
Kris Macaroni chapter 1 . 8/7/2016
The keys to any good sitcom episode are a simple plot and quality jokes. The plot of this script has promise, but I don't see any jokes in here. If the author is re-imagining Full House as a night time drama, that would certainly be an interesting twist, especially given that it's been picked up by a new platform in Netflix. I could get on board with that, but in that scenario the story would need to have much more weight than what is presented here. My advice is to team up with a friend or colleague well versed in comedy to punch up the script. Without laughs, you don't have a sitcom, and laugh tracks will only get you so far.