Reviews for Never regret thy fall
Meadow Dweller1 chapter 1 . 3/13/2017
Hi there! Hru? I'm just leavin' a lil ole review here.

When I got to your last line, my spidey senses went off and I just knew there was some meaning that didn't meet the eye! And once I figured it out I was so happy! But you can tell me if I got the whole thing or if I didn't.

If we (the readers) ask ourselves, why would Ed tell his child the story of Icarus? It's such a grown up story. What's its significance? What does Icarus have to do with Ed? And, as the most important question in my mind, why would aheartmadefullmetal16 (love that btw!) chose it?

It was the title (never regret thy fall) that convinced me. I think your one shot compares the story of Icarus to that of Ed's. And I think the reason why Ed shares it with his child is because he has a similar lesson that he bears with dignity. Al points out at the end of FMA that Ed isn't too upset about keeping his automail leg because it is a reminder of what not to do, it's a reminder of his mistake. And for Icarus, if you had finished retelling his story, we would've seen someone flying too close to the sun and his wax wings burning off. Ed also flew too close and got burnt, but he learned from his mistakes, which is why I think he's qualified to retell Icarus' story (with his own understanding.)

All that aside I think u did a great job responding to somethingcleverihope's tumblr prompt. This one shot was super sweet. Gotta love mommy Winry and daddy Ed. Thanks for sharing! *heart u*
xoxoGG chapter 1 . 7/20/2016
This is so great! Love their relationship in this. Feels natural.