Reviews for In this game Worm CYOA v3
Awdrgh chapter 1 . 8/27
This felt disingenuous?

I know in a SI you want to hype yourself up. BUT, there is a limit to that. First warning sign, the locker. That is not how someone would react.

Imagine waking up, not knowing where you are. You can't see, but you can smell. The smell of waste and rot permeate everything. You try to move, to get away, but you can't. you're trapped. Something skitters across your body, then a hundred things follow. Writhing over you. That is when you lose your nerve completely. You cry out for help. You hear someone outside. Someone to save you? Then the laughter comes. You know somehow, it is you they are laughing at. You slam against your cage, begging for help. Only laughter and cruelty answer.

Please tell me how you would keep your head, if that were you? Think about these things before putting yourself out there to be judged.
babiloniaolimpo chapter 5 . 6/24
Es extraño que solo use esos juegos pero ignore los más famosos.
babiloniaolimpo chapter 3 . 6/24
Por solo un punto creo que sería algo más sutil.
babiloniaolimpo chapter 2 . 6/24
Realmente no entendí mucho del primer capítulo
Cade2065 chapter 1 . 6/14
I don't know how you managed to make this so uninteresting to read, but you did. Was so excited seeing it was a worm cyoa, but I don't know, just cannot relate and it came off as not interesting. Not my thing, good luck!
Mastersgtjames chapter 1 . 6/8
ugh... Leet and Armsmaster? why... I mean, Leet, Maybe. But I'd rather have inspired inventor and Power Manipulation with shattered limiter.
If you go Leet. You should use his power to invent something that gives you powers, like a loophole PM or something. Maybe even a Genetic Resequencer to make yourself a Silver Age Superman Kryptonian. Maybe a timelord/Gallifreyan with infinite regenerations (which is what they had before limiting them to 13).
Guest chapter 5 . 5/26
Oh god I can't go any further. This is terrible. The characterization of both "yourself" and everyone else is so fucking off key and retarded it hurts to look at. A guy wakes up in a random body in a locker full of waste and he calmy says "wow this redhead is retarded I'm going to take a shower." Really! That's not how people fucking react to anything! And then he decides, I know this is sudden but I'm okay being a girl now because pretty. How fucking derp are you?! Then for fuck all reason you decide ih hey I need more whimsical bullshit to show people that I, like, don't even care or whatever. So you summon some useless parody which people barely react to, even though it shows you have multiple goddamn powers, no one stoos the meeting to get you clothes so apparently Kid Win and Miss Militia are fine that you are wearing just a bag. Then after acting what I'm sure you think "cool" is like after "like so totally ignoring glares and like totally spacing off and not caring" you finally say "oh hey ya'll I'm a fucking body snatcher but its totes acidental." Even ignoring grammatical errors this story is just shit and I almost regret giving you a single more review count.
FaeGhostReader chapter 11 . 5/17
Poor Danny
Guest chapter 3 . 2/16
What is with this obsession with fox ears and tails? Seriously, everyone seems to be into this. I have no clue fox fox ears and tail makes anyone hot. It's just absurd anime bull.
Kaseywolf878 chapter 9 . 2/14
Ok I am at chapter 8 and I have a major issue. You start out all self aware and clear understanding some issues and pitfalls of fanfiction. Then you go and lose focus a few chapters later to the point that frankly you shouldn't have. It feels like it lessons the story and hurts how the story is meant to progress.
Dragonhearted77 chapter 5 . 1/30
sharingankakashi007 chapter 32 . 12/8/2019
I am glad but also sad
Cos it was finally getting more and more interesting
You really improved over the course of writing this story
Though less waffling and more plot progression would be much appreciated
Even if I enjoyed that waffling somewhat
New story
Looking forward to it
Also maybe chose complimentary powers
Or powers that you can actually use
Here half of the story seemed to be the first day
Like really dude
Also lots of technical jargon

But second half was much more enjoyable
sharingankakashi007 chapter 22 . 12/8/2019
It seems like finally he's got some motivation
Other than here it just seems like he's randomly Doing stuff
He has all that power and he's basically being lazy with it
Realistic but not entertaining (cos even I would be lazy, but not this much)

Why the hell is he really this slow at figuring out simple stuff
He seems pretty smart overall just not very observant and not grasping how much power he has
LysanderArgent chapter 2 . 11/6/2019
Dude... this is only one step from gibberish. You seriously need a proofreader, or you need to work on how to phrase things. Most everything is spelt correctly, but your phrasing... it's bizarre. Is English your first language? Because you're writing like it's a second language to you.

You've got the words, but you don't know how to string them together to bring someone along with your thought process. Part of it is your attempt to sound more eloquent... and failing. Other times it's just missing certain words in sentences that help clarify things.
kronos797 chapter 20 . 10/1/2019
if i was cj id add dragon age origins and spam summon the tome of the mortal vessel and get infinite stats that way. maybe use the skill, physical and spell tomes to learn those skills as well. but the infinite stats is definitely useful, especialy when its something you can actually do in the game with item duplication.
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