Reviews for Re-Regeneration
StitchinKat chapter 1 . 9/6/2016
I kind of agree with what Laura said. I like your 12 better than the one we have, no offense to Capaldi. Much too grumpy. Don't much care for the way Clara changed either. Makes me miss Matt more too, the direction they took for series 8 and 9. Maybe 10 will be better.
Laura Schiller chapter 1 . 7/31/2016
That's how I pictured him too, before seasons 8 and 9 came out ... not with a cardigan necessarily, but calmer, wiser. Someone who would treat Clara with respect - not abandon her in a crisis, sulk when she gets a boyfriend, bully said boyfriend, or stage a military coup when he finally finds Gallifrey. As you can tell, I didn't care for seasons 8 and 9. Though, to be fair, that was the writers' doing; Peter Capaldi does his best.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/30/2016
Cute. Like the silver fox element. Thanks.
The Wild Wild Whovian chapter 1 . 7/29/2016
Very nice.
ink-of-the-written chapter 1 . 7/29/2016
i love the gentlemanly twist...that would've been such a shock to Clara
There's a kind of envy that encompasses people whom we know to have been through hell and back, and continue to hold themselves high with a cool, calm, composure. It shows us that it can never be so bad that it can't get any worse, and that hope is always an option. That may be one of the things humankind needs to be reminded of the most...
But, enough of my ramblings. This is a review after all.
Very well done. Oh, how different the series would have been had Peter Capaldi been given a character like this...:)
Carry on