Reviews for The First Flame
Masterboy chapter 29 . 8/1
Good chapter.
Oblivious ninja IJ chapter 21 . 7/24
Murder Dildodora...
Guest chapter 15 . 5/26
Have you ever read or watch fire force? In my opinion that manga have many great ideas about powers that you can have with pyrokinesis
otaku BR chapter 29 . 5/23
Nice chapther It is very good!this chapter is very good, i just hope that shirone is not the only girl.
giovvaniauditore chapter 1 . 5/9
StoryReiter chapter 16 . 5/4
Watching or rather reading this is painful. Reading fanfics and the story of DxD itself made the ORC warm and welcoming. Seeing them hostile while being plausible is painful. Love the interplay and one of the less used aspects of the series. The memories and awareness of the predecessors. In the Boosted Gear or Divine Dividing. You get the point. I really enjoy seeing Issei have a family in his head. The byplay of concepts makes me smile. Yes, Ophis is nothing. How will the Fire of humanity make her enjoy the world? WHO KNOWS? On the OTHER hand this is fun to watch. I honestly hope Issei gives Vali a taste of Humanity's Flames the same way Gasper did. Might give him a boost or a inclination to more "creative" or "productive" pursuits. He's Azazel's foster child that creative juice has to have settled somewhere. Also last but not the least, holy crap the amount of clusterblob that Issei managed to fix is nothing short of MIRACULOUS. And despite not being a Devil he's STILL being shanghai'd into doing things. Oh the irony. Looking forward to more and if nothing else since I have a feeling the journey is going to be worth it just from the few chapters... I hope this has a happy ending if nothing else. Thank you for sharing and writing author. Serpahina seems shaken that God is dead. I would be too. He's the most reasonable among plethora of well known pantheons that I know. Also me and my family's christian...So yeah.
They dont know about His death. That bomb is going to fester and used I know it.
Have a great day author. Take care and God bless. Looking forward to more.
StoryReiter chapter 4 . 5/4
There was a reason why Issei despite his perversion seems like a swell guy to be around. He is genuine if nothing else. Symbol of Humanity and fire. Heh. Dont take this as an insult but his All for One in some ways. Really neat. Almost every DxD caters to Humanity as either fodder, auxiliaries, annexes or worse than trash. We may be trash if uninhibited but there's gems too ya know? A few chapters in and I like it already.
StoryReiter chapter 2 . 5/4
Well this is the earliest and best idea of Humanity FCKYEAH even if by simple association.
WiseSilver chapter 29 . 4/29
So! First! I really like this story. Very original in concept but it’s still grounded in a concept. Ha. Ha.
But the characters are great! The writing is pretty good. Though there are some small editing errors. No biggie.
The sex scene was actually very well done. Actual feelings and desire and good description. Best part was that it wasn’t emulating hentai or porn. So big gold star for being good to read and not eye rolling.
Can’t wait to see what happens next!
Guest chapter 29 . 4/23
I’m so excited for the next chapter thank you for a great read
Guest chapter 9 . 4/23
Yep tired of the ocs you just basically ripped off tsuna, shitty story shitty ocs get good you fucking suck and are a worthless writer
red the pikachu master chapter 29 . 4/21
That was a great read! Can't wait for the next chapter!
stylo1 chapter 1 . 4/20
your synops basicly fits canon and about 90% of the stories out there
StayBlessed chapter 25 . 4/17
Lost interest. Too much happening for me.
StayBlessed chapter 5 . 4/17
Definitely would of preferred Freed died here, but will see what you do with him
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