Reviews for Eclipse
Guest chapter 14 . 8/3
Please continue with this omg I didn’t even realise when I got to the end I was so wrapped up in the writing ur amazing
XxMonElisaxX chapter 14 . 2/2
This story is so good.. Tsuki and Levi's relationship is so cute.. sharing a room,that's really really really cute.
Hope you update soon.

p.s.: I'm a bit short on vocabulary so pardon my review..
Gomdeulgi94 chapter 14 . 9/19/2019
Please update soon author-san. I believe this one became one of my favorite stories that I have read so far. keep up the good work.
VeronicaG145 chapter 2 . 6/14/2019
Me imagino a esta Tsuki como Kitty Milkgore *-* con su precioso cabello blanco, ojos azules y su hermosa piel, hayy amo como escribes aún que sea en otro idioma y claramente el traductor no ayuda mucho pero veo el esfuerzo que metes UwU si que si
Mizuki Shiki chapter 11 . 1/29/2019
I know right?! Boku no Hero Academia and SnK recent releases are SO AWESOME! And your story is very awesome too! It caught the very essense of how itll be like to live in SnK world. I love the fluff moments Tsuki had with Levi, assuming they really have that romantic tension between them( or Tsuki doesnt know what to call it but she feels it and Levi refused to admit it to himself or that they both know but refused to tap that area of relationship or that Tsuki is very clueless about it while Levi isnt). Im still confused about their relationship but i do know they cant live without seeing each other safe. I love love Tsuki, tho i could imagine my own frustration if I were to meet her in person cuz i know i could relate to her mindset but her stubborness makes me afraid that this will be one of those stories where the main heroine dies(which i hope she wouldnt, levi needs the love). Lastly I wish in my next life, Levi will be my big brother and you my dear author will be my close friend(i know i sound crazy but who wouldnt be crazy about SnK? Oh wait dont answer that). Anyways i love the update. Millions of kudos for you and good luck! P.S. to levi When will you ever gonna kiss her?! (Insert my crazy fangirl emoji)
alicelala chapter 1 . 12/22/2018
ahdjehxhska i cant waitttttt goshhhhh I really like the charac development of the storyyy and its shrouded mystahriessss. Hoping for the next chaps hihihi
Leafnova chapter 10 . 11/12/2018
Please update! I love this story sooo much!
iynasan chapter 10 . 9/13/2018
Aaaah I’m loving this fiction! Tbh I’ve been thinking if tsuki was her Titan herself, and it kinda seemed you were pointing that direction but guessing not! Lol. I maybe have to go reread this chapter to get a better understanding of tsukis powers (or what’s shown in the chapter) It is interesting, is her power similar to that of what Eren did or is a different level(?) of it. Are her powers still developing? Considering she’s seeing fragmented piece of memories?

I’m also a curious what did Hanji realize? Maybe that can be answered in the next chapter! (Or my reading is lacking af lol)

Also I’ve beeen so into BNHA! To bad the season is possible coming to an end it’s in its 20th something episode already! What’s your thoughts on seasons 3 aot? Lol I’m hoping there is a Levi vs beast Titan!

Anyway, hope you’re doing well with school! I just started my fall semester in college and I just finished my first exam lmfaoo.

Hope to see how the story progresses!
Redb4Black chapter 2 . 8/5/2018
Yeah no- not my thing
Redb4Black chapter 1 . 8/5/2018
It takes years for her to reach the base? Hold up, wtf am I missing here?
Cloud105 chapter 10 . 7/30/2018
I never write reviews but I just love your story so much I had to. I 99% read OC fanfics and this is one of the best fanfics I have ever read, definitely the best AoT fanfic I came across. The best part is the characterisation of Levi - he is kept original to the manga/anime and not OOC. You definitely deserve more spotlight and I love your work!
haizek18 chapter 10 . 6/30/2018
thanks for the update. been waiting long but it's worth the wait :D
pinkdoughtnuts chapter 10 . 6/11/2018
I like Tsuki, but she collapses a lot of the time. Like a lot. And now she's hearing voices in her head (sure she ain't Schizophrenic, as that's a symptom)
I hope she'll have better control over herself soon and that she'll rely of Levi more. Those two have been through a lot.
What I'm saying is that I truly like Tsuki, but she's not 16 anymore (nor a hormonal, angsty teenager) so I hope she doesn't fall in the typical OC troupe as she could be a remarkable and powerful character.
pulpymaid chapter 9 . 4/5/2018
BlueFlower13 chapter 8 . 9/16/2017
Seeing you update always make me happy :3 but I have to ask will you update your Tokyo Ghoul fanfic as well?
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