Reviews for Autistic skele-bros
arcticfoxinaweddingdress chapter 2 . 7/22
this is a shitty representation of autism, and as a neurodivergent individual, this sucks ass
Gashicalmy chapter 3 . 5/9
I liked it... And for what I know I don't have autism or something else (that I know) but it get really hard when you discover something amazing but can't share it at all... This chapter kind of cheer me.
Gashicalmy chapter 1 . 5/9
Dude this is so... I mean... I can feel it. I do know what is that...
Thanks for this chapter
Guest chapter 6 . 5/4
When I read the texture of the glove fabric, I, a fellow autistic, immediately went "nope, nope, NOPE!", shuddered, and dropped my phone.
I love how accurately you write these things, I too hate the "I can't help you if you won't say anything."
please chapter 18 . 11/12/2019
Hey, I noticed you’ve not posted for ages, and I really like this series!
starseedchild chapter 1 . 10/13/2019
I liked this, can we see more?
ef-anon chapter 1 . 4/22/2019
ooh boy this is more relatable than i'd like to admit

also this is an a very good headcanon
CryingHands chapter 8 . 4/14/2019
Ah, personally I have no idea what it's like to be autistic, but my cousin has a need for comfort items, too. He'll normally carry around a thick black plastic spoon of fork. Whenever he loses it, he'll ignore practically everything to look for it, and I think I've seen him cry. Other than that, hard-to-understand speaking and slow thinking, he's pretty much a normal person.
Sohrem chapter 6 . 12/18/2018
... a lot of this is pretty accurate... my brother has Aspergers and I have a few friends that have it as well. Some of my friends think I’m on the spectrum as well because I have breakdowns at times because of sensory overload. Not really sure and no doctor wants to test me because I’m an adult. Meh. I don’t care but I can’t wait to finish reading this.
deathlyHealer chapter 18 . 2/16/2018
I have a suggestion, that I suppose has been kinda used already - food. I for one, could not stand having the different things on my plate touching when I was younger, and I steadfastly refuse to eat certain things even today, because bad taste and texture and look and everything is ugh. Cauliflower tastes like anxiety feels. So maybe make a chapter on that? I suppose Sans has ketchup and Papyrus has spaghetti for things they like, but what about what they don't like?
Megaman07 chapter 5 . 2/7/2018
I usually throw things when I have a meltdown, that's how I broke a chair over the fact I couldn't find the TV remote once.
jack chapter 18 . 10/21/2017
i think i MAY be Aspergers. someone called me and my friends autistic on the bus and said they were basically calling us retards.

my friend looked like she was gonna punch them and i didn't give a flip.

so. does that count?
Guest chapter 2 . 9/20/2017
hiya! if you're still doing these shorts, could you do one where the annoying dog is a service dog of some sort for sans? or just some sort of comfort?
Guest chapter 9 . 7/8/2017
If I had that, I would just repeat memes over and over :D
Guest chapter 8 . 7/8/2017
Wash once a week? But why? I wear this hoodie all night and all day everyday! For like 3 weeks before washing it! Give Sans a break while you hunt me down Paps
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