Reviews for Eight-Legged Grim Reapers
Lily chapter 1 . 2/16/2018
Awwwwww! That was so cute~~ loved the Sanders vine part, I read it in Ed’s voice! Thank you for such a sweet fic.
Edith Elric chapter 1 . 10/28/2017
You know in Google Play store on phones there are apps for writing in, like journals and stuff? I have a journal one, and currently, one of the things in it revolves solidly around quotes from either movies, fanfiction, existing quotes, things that people say, stuff like that. I finally added #62! I got it from your AN, when you said, "Seeing a spider isn't a problem; it becomes a problem when it disappears." That, coupled with the ending scene, was absolutely priceless!
Eli Clark chapter 1 . 10/6/2017
XD some spiders have twelve eyes.
Novirp13 chapter 1 . 3/3/2017
Oh my God! The ending is so perfect! Lolol
grovyleTheGreat chapter 1 . 12/18/2016
This is me and my brother except...
*iis holding a small mason jar and a piece of paper while a shorter teenager is cowering on top of a bookcase*

...should I tell Fullmetal about the spider I placed in his pocket watch?
xXPokeFictionXx chapter 1 . 11/22/2016
This was hilarious!
lilaclily00 chapter 1 . 8/17/2016
You don't know how much I relate to this. XD I mean, it's basically any insect that I get a bit freaked out about, but especially the spiders and the ones that can fly. (Even flies. EVEN. FLIES.) Just last night my dad was telling me to grow up when I ran away from a crane fly (apparently, that's what they're called) that had managed to make it into the house. I just KNOW that thing had a vendetta against me. It swooped at me, like, 3 freakin' times! ;-;

Besides that, I like the idea of how they began to share or even trade traits because of the souls linking together and stuff. I mean, that presents a whole list of other things that we can headcanon! And headcanons rule! ;u; And it just makes their relationship even more special.

(I am very sure I'm gonna be a whole lot like Ed when I have kids. Except worse.)
meladi1 chapter 1 . 8/7/2016
I'm not really afraid of spiders anymore though I was as a kid, and kinda just leave them alone. Though I do move far away from them if it's one of the bigger ones. But if they touch me, they're dead.

Last week a was at a sleepover at my friend's house. We was just chilling when one of the bigger spiders almost landed on my face. I fell out of her bed in surprise. My friend was screaming bloody murder and screamed at me to kill it. I didn't want to, as it was on the wall again. We compromised, capture it and throw it outside. Trying to use the cup paper method, I failed twice, once the spider crawled on up on the paper and almost touched my hand. We both screamed. Let's just say if fell on the bed and disappeared. We never found it. In the end my friend was nearly in tears and I was trying not to laugh at how pathetic we both were being.

So this story was funny as hell since I can soooo relate to it
Guest chapter 1 . 8/5/2016
Was... Was the bonus inspired by Thomas Sanders?
Lyrasloon chapter 1 . 8/4/2016
Yeah, I don't particularly like them, but I certainly give them a good amount of space. I let someone else deal with it. XD I live with a few guys anyway. ;-)
BeyondTheClouds777 chapter 1 . 8/3/2016
To Tod: I literally wrote over 100 HTTYD stories. I think I can take a break.
Tod chapter 1 . 8/3/2016
So this is all your writing now?... -_- kinda dissapointed... And sad... You would take this over httyd... :'(
Guest chapter 1 . 8/1/2016
It's okay Ed, I'm terrified of spiders too.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/1/2016
Haha oh my that last part it was perfect XD Thanks for another amazing one shot!
Attackoneverything chapter 1 . 8/2/2016
Haha hat ending XD
Loved it XD
That was great XD
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