Reviews for Okinawa!
Guest chapter 9 . 7/15/2018
Where are you man
KeiraPhoenixFlme chapter 3 . 5/24/2018
Tenshiii612 chapter 9 . 5/16/2018
yay thanks for the update! can't wait for the next! anticipated the next event but misaki fell asleep! lol
Guest chapter 9 . 5/1/2018
Why did you leave a suspense ?
I really wanted to know what had happened!
Minniemiss123 chapter 9 . 4/24/2018
THUS WAS YH4 BEST CHAPTER TILL DATE! It couldn't have gotten any better. Idk how u were able to pull it up but it just leat me speechlessssss.

They are finally going somewhere. Finally they r opening up to each other lil by lil. Takumi's fantasies were so cute. I just loved his confident side as for how r not together 'yet' but still knows that they will end together. That was the best part. I almost laughed because he was sooo adorable ! I mean how can he! That alien! XD

And there little moment together...I wish that it don't go overboard with that XD. Sorry. :p well it was just perfect only this much was perfect. And they both knows it well. Misaki was adorable top with all the blush and stuttering and confession. She is being brave and at the same time, not really pushing is but just a lol oblivious of everything blooming between both of them. It's like a child learning new things and coming to cute realisations. And that's exactly what happened her and I just loved this. That's y it was my fav chapter till date. U nailed it bee.

Thank u so much for the update and for the acknowledges. Love u so much!
Padfoot Starfyre chapter 9 . 4/22/2018
Oh, this was a good chapter.
Takumi thinking of his future with Misaki, and patiently giving in to their feelings for each other, while Misaki reluctantly complying with their feelings, and need for each other.
Even though the issue of where their relationship stands, was not fully addressed. There is progress, so hopefully they will get around to actual forging a proper relationship in order to fulfill such future dreams, and outlooks.
Guest chapter 9 . 4/22/2018
I'm going to die any moment now...



are they going to do anything more? Please help me!
Guest chapter 8 . 4/3/2018
I loved this fanfiction a whole lot!
Please write more!
Minniemiss123 chapter 8 . 2/22/2018
Usui XD in XD maid uniformXD XD XD! Oh, I can't kiss her now XD! He is such a pervert. Seriously, she burnt her tongue and all he thinks is that he cant kiss her! XD XD XD. He is unbelievable! I mean he ca4es for her like no one can. Jets jealous, kisses her out of nowhere and then? Ah, I just love him!
And it was the sweetest confession ever! The best. I melted like butter. It was as sweet and smooth and 'delicious' like honey. I mean the embarrassment was all worth it at last. And misaki too! She didn't hold back this time. She is finally opening up to him. Ah, I just can't wait for more to come. Afterall, okinawa! Is finally getting a new start again! All the best, can't wait for more!
Padfoot Starfyre chapter 8 . 2/20/2018
Good to see that you have revived the story. I hope to see more of it.
Well, Misaki, and Takumi's outing was a bit awkward.
Also, it is a somewhat sad that Takumi represses his upbringing and nature. Though it's mostly because he has had to build a wall to shield himself. However, there are tomes that Misaki and her presnence breaks down his walls, while still protecting himself.
I hope that from the semi-confession(s), that Misaki and Takumi will accept that they could, and can form a proper relationship.
Guest chapter 8 . 2/20/2018
Thank Merlin you updated.I really hope you update your other stories, you're my favorite author here _
Jane chapter 8 . 2/20/2018
Somethings off...
You didn't proofread didn't you? I saw minor mistakes and I guess it wasn't as fluffy as before? But congratulations for updating! You don't know how much I've been through waiting for this update! So that's it I'm sorry for being rude and if I sound like that by any chance then it's just a coincidence.

So yeah! Good job and make sure to update soon.
anindya956 chapter 7 . 2/19/2017
Dont delete it. Its good! Looking forward to your update.
Guest chapter 7 . 12/8/2016
Dont delete it..please! You are good! writer chan
Minniemiss123 chapter 7 . 10/18/2016
What r u saying ArrowBee chan? Of course this is a really nice fic. I can just tell u my opinions though...I would say that it is really fun to read this fic. I personally love it. It's cute if not more. So please do continue and update ASAP. And this chap was my favourite till date in this fic. I like the jealous usui;);).
And u made a perfect moment between both without adding any lemon to it. It was just great. Hope to see u again soon.
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