Reviews for Shooting Stars and Satellites
obsidiandragon182005 chapter 3 . 2/12/2017
Wow. Very powerful. And so very sad. :'(
Katistrophical chapter 3 . 12/21/2016
Miraculous Foxieana chapter 2 . 10/12/2016
Sad too sad... *cries* I wish Marienette can see Adrien... It's just to said... This story is awesome but at the same time sad. Well... I have to stop crying. *wipes tears away*. Hope you update soon. Bye.
obsidiandragon182005 chapter 2 . 10/12/2016
O.o wow this is amazing!
yummy peaches chapter 1 . 8/19/2016
This is amazing please please countinue it
viper's fang chapter 1 . 8/14/2016
Hm. The plot has the potential to be interesting. From the other reviews I've read on this story, they have highly praised your writing style. Overall, I know what you were going for, which was relatively well-executed. But I feel the introduction was a bit redundant in places and runs perhaps a bit longer than it should. The character intros/descriptions spent a little bit too much time on certain aspects of the characters. Though, to be fair, this writing style kind of calls for that. However, there were somethings that probably could've been trimmed to make it a little more natural, I think. Most notably with your intro for Nathanael. Your paragraphs are full of sentences that are far too long. Kind of wore me out. Again, to be fair, the tone you are going for does kind of call for that. But there is at least one run-on sentence and others could be broken into two separate sentences to be less tiring. You also have some problems with tenses that I've noticed. And last but not least, there are a few punctuation problems in general. For example, put a period, explanation point, or question mark after a sentence in quotes. In the case where a piece of information follows a sentence normally ended in a period, the sentenced is punctuated with a comma instead. That was a confusing explanation, so here are some examples.

Ex. "Bug out!"
"But I thought you said you weren't talking to each other?"
"I...I never thought this would happen." (Period and other normal punctuation here.)

Ex. "Bug out!" Marinette cried, swiftly disappearing onto the rooftops.
"But I thought you said you weren't talking to each other?" Marinette said mischievously.
"Ladybug..." Alya trailed off, unsure of how to console her.
"I...I never thought this would happen," Marinette whispered despairingly. (Question mark, ellipses, and exclamation point stay the same, but period is replaced with a comma.)

Sorry for being so harsh! _ Now for the positive aspects. I like the idea of the story. And despite how I criticized it earlier, your unique tone does have its merits. The focus on percentages and probabilities, routines and unforeseeable events, etc. really kind of sets an interesting mood that you don't really see in a lot of stories. As for Adrien's death scene, Marinette's pain was pretty evident, which is a definite plus. Some stories can't really pull off emotion that well, but Marinette's actions were pretty realistic, I'd say. So great job on that. All in all, keep up the good work. This story seems like it could be something pretty interesting.
pastel bones chapter 1 . 8/13/2016
Oh my god this is incredible! I love the beginning how the first few paragraphs are so irregular. Nothing I could have ever expected and throughout the story you build on that idea! The plot is gripping and its so well written! Amazing! OK SERIOUS SIDE IS GONE TIME FOR CAPS LOCK SIDE THIS IS SO GOOD! I LOVE THIS STORY AND THE WAY YOU WROTE IT SERIOUSLY THE BEGINNING IS PHENOMENAL WILL CHAT BE OK? PLEASE BE OK *crying* BE OK! thank you.
The Blue Miraculer chapter 1 . 8/13/2016