Reviews for A Dogwarts Tale
excessivelyperky chapter 1 . 3/22
I love this! Especially with the spaghetti and the meatballs.

Yeah, even a transformation spike is only going to do so much with base material like Voldemort.

I love how Hermione and Severus ended up.

And I have a funny feeling that people thought Bella had rabies, even if she didn't. Just sayin'.

I like the title, too-I remember watching "Wallace and Gromit" and seeing the graduation picture for the dog from Dogwarts.
HermioneSnape1983 chapter 1 . 10/25/2018
Tramp is black ! His gray
HermioneSnape1983 chapter 1 . 10/25/2018
McGonagall is a cat in her animagus form FYI
mysinger chapter 1 . 2/18/2018
I love this story! Hermione and Severus as Lady and the Tramp. Perfect. A delightful story with a very satisfying ending. Thank you.
Snaperipper chapter 1 . 8/15/2017
Anna Doherty chapter 1 . 6/8/2017
One of the most interesting stories that I have read in quite a while. Anna
Alexa1993 chapter 1 . 5/13/2017
OMG this was so coolll, I loved it and wish it was longer! How about a Beauty and the Beast one with Hermione and Severus? _
Nanyin chapter 1 . 4/10/2017
That was ridiculously silly and and I loved it!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/25/2016
OMG they're all dogs! Very creative story.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/18/2016
Hahaha too cute. I love the ending, too!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/16/2016
Another nice story from you, Dogwarts, hilarious!
seriousblahblah chapter 1 . 9/15/2016
This is honestly one of the best stories I've read. And I'm a huge dog lover, so I was absolutely thrilled to see all the beloved HP characters turn into dogs. Ron as a jack russell terrier is adorable (I wish I could see that, I could imagine him having orange and white hair), the doberman pinscher Snape dog fits his personality too and so does Harry Potter as a beagle. Hermione with floppy ears and a cocker spaniel is too adorable as well. I was really impressed and blown away with the originality, humor and fun plot of this story, it is truly great and woof! *goes to chew up basket and curl up and bark frantically at any passing mailman and squirrels*
I loved it :)
nolongerexists394 chapter 1 . 8/26/2016
brilliant... I thought because she's a cat animagus Professor McGonagall wouldn't have turned into a dog, I thought she might have got chased around Hogwarts in her animagus form. I loved your description of Draco Malfoy... a chihuahua indeed... and your right, their ears look like bat ears.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/21/2016
I love this story cute and funny. Especially what happened to Voldemort. I'm happy they found each other. Thanks for the well written story.
Amarenima Redwood chapter 1 . 8/15/2016
Ha ha! The ending seemed a little rushed, but this was a very cute story.
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