Reviews for Little Red and the Wolf
itsxoi chapter 1 . 6/11
ohhhhhhh...such an interesting read and I love every second of it. Thanks for this.
noname chapter 1 . 12/31/2019
i liked it. Love the couple. Loved Karma. It would make a great multi-chap maybe 2 or 3 mor. Thank you.
Gomizia chapter 1 . 5/24/2019
this is good. really good. i really love how you write okuda! the cute werewolf who's kinda afraid of karma but is ready to die in his hands anyway. love that!

their interactions are so cute!
bright places chapter 1 . 1/14/2017
this fic is so fun omg i love it and flow and the roles u assigned each character Hehehehe
sora-to-umi chapter 1 . 12/21/2016
I read your fic not long after the published date, but didn't have time to leave a review until now because I wanted to take time to write a really good review for such an amazing story!
There are so many moments in this chapter that literally made my heart squeezed! I especially loved the part where Manami attempted to assasinate Karma during the night and their conversation afterwards that lead to him abandonning the idea of killing her. I honestly fangirled soooo hard you couldn't even imagine reading Karma's answer to Manami's request of not coming back to her house again. That once sentence was so simple but spoke volumes at the same time. It really gave me the feeling that Karma was slowly but surely falling for Manami.
So please, you MUST continue this story. As you've said it yourself, there are many things that you can explore on and easily turn this into at least a 6-chapters story. I would LOVE to see the progress between Karmanami's relationship and the other students of class 3-E entering into the decor. It would be soooo interesting and my imagination is already running wild :)
When we read a good story, we desperately want to read more so I REALLY hope that you continue this story or at least writer more other stories for Karmanami in the future! The world needs more of this adorable couple :)
MG chapter 1 . 12/9/2016
I got nothing to say!
I loved it
Soooo ADORABLE! Manami is so cute man even as a werewolf lol
Schizoid7Loner chapter 1 . 10/20/2016
i did not think i would like this so much, but I enjoyed it a lot! Love the reversal of little red riding hood and the wolf for karma and manami~
CoolBeans chapter 1 . 9/17/2016
This could definitely be a great story. I love it cx
mingxingxing chapter 1 . 8/25/2016
please continue it.
I12Bfree chapter 1 . 8/19/2016
This is just a one-shot? I want moreTT
This story is just too good, and Karma is just so sexyXD
LightSpeed Athlete24 chapter 1 . 8/17/2016
Duuuuude, this was so well-written! :D

I don't really know much how to criticize on one's writing (the technicalities), but one thing's for sure, you brought the artist's art to life! And it's such an interesting concept, too!

I'm excited about your possible plans for this oneshot! :DD
Guest chapter 1 . 8/17/2016
Finally a fic where the wolf's Manami and not Karma!
lycorizu chapter 1 . 8/16/2016
this is so nice!
i'm always a sucker for fairy tales-based stories not to mention it's The OTP (lol). good work for writing this! i'm kind of interested on how you'd write other mythical assassins.

stay awesome!
Hikaru Kisekine chapter 1 . 8/16/2016
Can you continue this story?3
I really like this storyAnd, this story is soo cuteっ๑)
2kaon chapter 1 . 8/16/2016
Ohmygod! You've bloomed a simple fanart into something extremely beautiful!

I absolutely love everything you've written in this fic! I love that you've managed to keep the characters in character! I also love how you described everything!

I also really adore how you managed to make Karma devilishly and subtly seductive, even though it might not be his intention to do so :'D

And Manami is absolutely adorable in your writing! I love it! Her little cottage in the meadow sounds wonderful as well!
Ahh there's simply way too many things that I enjoy in this fic!
(Sorry for my overuse of exclamation marks...I just can't help it because I really am very excited reading this!)

Thank you so much for writing this wonderful piece! (And personally I'd love to see you continue this, if you want to, of course!)

Uuu I just love this a lot ; ;
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