Reviews for Renmants Wild Horse and Chinese Amazon (rewriting)
XenosTheTerraGod chapter 2 . 11/3/2018
Not gonna lie, it was shit bruv.
Guest chapter 5 . 8/22/2018
Hope it updates soon
James Birdsong chapter 5 . 8/18/2018
Good three chapters
Hikari Nova chapter 2 . 8/3/2018
I think the ending of this chapter got alittle cut short lols
Major Simi chapter 5 . 7/31/2018
well this story seems pretty good you know keep going
Riniko22 chapter 1 . 7/28/2018
Why would Kuno be attacking female Ranma, I could see him attacking the male Ranma, but not the young girl one as at the end he is telling Akane that her and the pig-tailed goddess are free of Ranma's spell.
Captain Jeff 69 chapter 1 . 11/18/2017
you just had Kuno attacking his pigtail goddess and now he is going on about freeing her?
Luke Dragneel chapter 4 . 12/18/2016
Personally I think the four weapons was just overkill. The only weapon I could see him using as a main would be the collapsible nadachi(with two Chinese ball hammers being the secondary weapons, due to his familiarity with them thanks to Shampoo), though with Ruby as a sister it would likely be more than a melee weapon. More than likely a rifle or sniper due to length.

I would also like to point out that Ranma should know the Hidden Weapons Technique, thus he doesn't need to physically carry his additional weaponry and his physical strength due to his martial arts training would put his female on the same level as Pyrrha while his male form(both of which prefer speed over sheer brute strength) would be on par with Yang or Nora, especially since he can enhance said strength/speed with his Ki instead of his Aura(two separate things, though easily confused. Aura being soul power which would be the spirit half of chakra, while Ki is life force which would be the physical half of chakra. Basically Ki represents how long one lives while Aura deals squarely with the metaphysical, what makes the person like such).

I also would have found it more believable if Ranma's other half was separated from him similar to Shampoo's cat form, but have the girl form stay with Ranma's ride over and have her develop her own personality based off of the memories she has of when Ranma was in girl mode. I find that the story Semblance of Hope does that best, though he still made the girl half a mix of the original drowned girl and Ranma's female form's memories.

It's a promising start to what could be a good story, so don't abandon it!
DominWright chapter 4 . 11/19/2016
the swords were well thought out, though unoriginal (understandably so). as a martial artist he would recognize his strengths and weaknesses. as such he would maximize his arsenal for effectiveness in both forms. he can probably use all weapons in both but it's more practical to strategize. common sense is not sexist. sexist would be if you implied the female form was incapable of the heavier weapons at all. it would just require more training do to physiology or differences in muscle mass.
LightnigJack chapter 4 . 11/17/2016
aaaawww...a well i can wait.
bearsage chapter 1 . 11/17/2016
thank you shugokage and again I apologize for the wait
shugokage chapter 4 . 11/17/2016
Nice ideas and I look forward to reading more!
bearsage chapter 1 . 11/17/2016
hi folks sorry I haven't updated anything its just that college is tough and I'm trying to get my laptop back so bear with the long silence it is not dead
TheYinYang chapter 3 . 11/10/2016
more yes please!
Armiture chapter 3 . 10/13/2016
Is there a max range for how far away one of Ranma's tracking glyphs can go before losing the lock on it? If so does it dissipate or can he reacquire it?

Looks like autocorrect turned GGs I to Ggs and in the goons scene you used there in place of their.

I look forward to finding out if the Amazon's managed to track him down during the intervening decade. I'm hoping for 'stuck on another continent' for why they're not mentioned in this chapter. He didn't seem to have his Shampoo-dar active like he would after a decade of avoiding her.
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