Reviews for Anthro Forest
mathersryan66 chapter 1 . 7/17
So how long till the next chapter and probably Bonnie and Clemont change
Kevinrock8899 chapter 9 . 4/25
Wow, nice seems more and more are changing I say have a threesome with Dawn, Zoey and Ashley please.
Don 77 chapter 9 . 4/25
Nice work on the chapter and it's okay I love Lillie's Transformation.
NEW OC TO ADD chapter 9 . 3/27
Hello! I have a great idea for an oc to be with Clemont. At first, she wont submit, but after a love session and refusal, shell submit from Ashey. Her name is Yvonne, and she would be aD cup houndoom hybrid. She would then chase after Clemont. Using her tail, she will trap him and mate. Just an idea, thanks for readinf. Byee
Banjo the Fox chapter 1 . 3/20
Excellently done first chapter.
Guest chapter 9 . 3/10
I will say it's an interesting story and I'm enjoying it but I really want to see ash and his other girlfriends return back to regular humans and let there natural feelings they have for ash and what ash has for the girls not the kind that the forest and it's inhabitants have control over them I'm glad there showing signs of that there losing control of them but the remaining people who are remaining that are trying to free ash and the others really need something strong enough to break the mind control so ash and the others can retain their memories and there former selves again as great as this story is I don't like seeing them turned into Pokemon
EmperorDraco7 chapter 9 . 3/11
Sweet, really liking how things are turning out and especially as things are going from bad to worse with more of Ash's companions being transformed into Anthro Hybrids. I mean, there's still Gary, Tracey, Iris, Cilan and Anabel, even Swampert and Ralts since they are going to need to do all they can in order to save their friends in the end. Oh and then we got to take into account how Jessie, James and Meowth will react to finding out about what has become of Ash and his friends, along with the possibility of them meeting the same fate themselves. Also like the little twist of Iris and Cilan actually having feelings for one another but refuse to admit it, not to mention Zoey developing a liking towards Gary himself. As for the Team Rocket task force, there is a plan they're coming up with in order to actually be rid of the trio... permanently, seeing their incompetence as being more of a hinderance towards their ultimate goal. Makes me curious on how things are going to go in the next chapter and what would potentially happen before everything is over in the end, good job.
Potterlord9999 chapter 9 . 3/10
Many errors in here but quite enjoyable nonetheless, very glad you got the next chapter out!
Guest chapter 8 . 1/1
can you have Ash also get pregnant
honter11 chapter 1 . 11/26/2019
What an interesting story I hope the next chapter and if you can make two stories one of Pokemon with the Ash-May-Serena trio as the story of (A Trainers passion) and the other story of Digimon with the trio of Tai-Mimi- Sora please.
Guest chapter 8 . 11/25/2019
Please do add Lille in the hearm along with Mallow vierty miette Shauna korrina bianca (johto) lyra Angie Zoey and Alexa
lost fan don chapter 8 . 11/27/2019
Nice happy Lillie has joined.
Rocketshipping fan chapter 8 . 11/27/2019
Man now I wish I could become a sexy pokegirl lol,
May Drew 4every chapter 8 . 11/27/2019
Man how many more girls will Ashley get I wonder.
Rose Contestshipping fan88 chapter 8 . 11/27/2019
Oh man more and more girls are become victims but now it's only May now.
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