Reviews for Breed
Guest27 chapter 44 . 2/8/2018
So I know I'm not actually guest 27. I know I just like it. Okay now that I have that out of the way. I just have to say amazing job! I love the story and I love how you worked with it. I have to say though the only thing I would have liked to see a bit more of would be KagaKuro action. I mean you did a great job bringing them in. But I feel like you took a really, really long time getting to them. I personally love Kuroko and his is my favorite character. But in the context of your story I know he was not a main character. However you did bring many different questions to mind, toward the beginning of the story, Aomine met a child that reminded him of Tetsu. I would love to know why that is. And also you didn't tell us out right what element Himuro was. But other than that I felt like there was a lot of character building you kind of skipped over at some parts. It's not bad but it would add a lot to the story to have more character development. The plot with the trafficking was very rushed through and confusing. But overall great story!
pastel-sama chapter 44 . 11/2/2017
This story is just amazing. Had me hooked almost immediately and now that I'm in the epilogue I need more! Omg, I just can't. I like how this story had many characters yet it didn't feel overcrowded or some are left out. Ah, I hope this story gets more attention and maybe a sequel? PLEASE because I squealed in the middle of the night reading 'NANASE HARUKA'.
Sakshi Gupta chapter 45 . 8/5/2017
Kagami likes fairytail I guess since he likes natsu's quote ... Anyways loved your work ...It was nice...I liked it alot
sakshi gupta chapter 41 . 8/4/2017
i like how you mixed ceil from black buttler in this...nice
ChaosHearth chapter 7 . 6/18/2017
OH MY GOD! Things are getting heated up! AND I LOVE THE WARRIORS SERIES!
FionaEve-chan chapter 45 . 6/9/2017
Waah can't wait for the sequel! I love Sourin too!
Thank you for including my questions!
lashayluv chapter 45 . 6/9/2017
I love this story and I'm crying because its over. You should really attempt to make the sequel I want to read it.
yuki22hime chapter 45 . 6/5/2017
breed is awesome
i really love the elemental story
it is very unique and wonderful story
Mercedes1312 chapter 44 . 5/29/2017
Haru?! Oh yeah, Haru is definitely a Water - and no one can convince me otherwise. I'm actually psyched for the sequel, with the way the story needed in a bang! I'm excited.

Love how everything worked out for everyone.
Ern Estine 13624 chapter 44 . 5/29/2017
Getting mega fantastic good can't wait for more
FionaEve-chan chapter 43 . 5/26/2017
Aaawwww I really love Imayoshi and yoshinori! Aaahhh I want more!
FionaEve-chan chapter 42 . 5/26/2017
Now I wish you could write a fanfic where imasaku is the main ship aaahhhhh! I love it! Also thank you for the jealous Taiga and fragile kuroko so sweet!
Ern Estine 13624 chapter 43 . 5/22/2017
Getting mega awesome good can't wait for more
lashayluv chapter 42 . 5/18/2017
Haha, i forgot abkut Kouki's parents for a while, and don't tell me they got caught!?
Lotus Sword chapter 42 . 5/15/2017
Oooh, it looks like we'll finally get to confront Hanamiya next chapter. I can't wait tbh, but your comment about wanting to strangle you next chapter makes me worried... Please update soon!
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