Reviews for Who Will Fill a Coward's Grave?
Jonanjo chapter 22 . 7/16
I found your story on Broomstick Flyer's page of her favorite stories and I have to say I really enjoyed your story. I'm looking forward to reading more of your stories. Since I found your page and see that all but one of your stories is complete, I'll be reading them all and leave the uncomplete one until it's completed. I got burned too many times reading stories that were abandoned. Thanks for finishing what you start. That's a trait I admire. I also don't care if the characters go to canon or not, in fact I think J.K. had a good idea, but lost it in her last 4 books. JMO, they sucked. She should have had some of these good fan fiction authors finish her story.
Forget about bad reviews. My english teacher once told me to write for myself. It's my world I'm creating and if others enjoy it, well and good. If not... Well, I can't put what she said here...LOL
excessivelyperky chapter 8 . 6/27
I'm actually surprised that Hermione hasn't made up a chart for when Harry is popular and when he's despised-you'd think she would have found the average period of either state, and how long it takes to swing from one to another.

I daresay Snape is looking forward to topping off his Escape Fund with the proceeds from various Basilisk body parts, and I suppose there's nothing wrong with his sense of smell. Is this going to be one of those Snape is Evil stories?

Also, I am surprised it didn't come out during Sirius Black's questioning about his attempted murder of Snape. But hey, they would have given him an Order of Merlin for that, I suppose.

Watching a Horcrux die in basilisk acid, though? Priceless.

I hope Tonks' group Stuns all the prisoners and keeps stunning them for the whole trip. It's obviously a set up for a huge escape attempt. I think Kingsley is right, though, oops killed while trying to escape.

I'm glad that the Order finally planned something that worked!
Ellen G Melcher chapter 22 . 6/23
This was a lovely story! You write very well, and I loved how you worked the Muggle military into the end of Voldemort. I often have wondered why someone didn't just call in an air strike! Thanks for this work!
excessivelyperky chapter 7 . 6/15
I still don't see the Prophecy as anything but a rabbit hole for Voldemort to fall down into, but I suppose the Order must make it look like a *valuable* rabbit hole, perhaps one that could be set up as a trap.

I like the angle of blaming the previous administration in re Sirius Black, that always plays well in the newspapers and could make both Fudge and Umbridge look good.

Even Minerva is turning on Dumbledore now, and about time, too!

Oho, Harry now has the Elder Wand, right?
Guest chapter 20 . 6/13
Poor old Albus, he never did have his manties on straight.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/11
This makes me feel badly for Draco. He's so very desperate for his murderous, negligent, possibly physically abusive as well as definitely emotionally abusive father that he would be willing to do anything for mere crumbs of his attention...much less affection.
LAB1 chapter 22 . 6/10
Fantastic story! My favorite part was the plotline where you brought in the muggle borns and non magical people back into the magical world just a bit to defeat Voldemort!
BlueDiadem chapter 22 . 6/6
I just finished reading your excellent story. I'm not sure I really enjoyed the ending with the Muggleborn and Squib military (it was never really clear how much of the force was made up of these people) winning the victory with very little assistance from the wizarding world. It would have been nice for the wizards to have more a contribution. I do understand they held back the dementors but it just seemed so flat. Harry and Hemione celebrating before it was all over totally negated the amount of intensive training they underwent.

I really enjoyed a strong and intelligent Arthur Weasley. Glad he had such a positive impact on the advancement of wizarding society.

I was also disappointed with how things ended with Dumbledore. I was just left hoping for more. He was left to stagnant while the world passed him by. A man of his genius and intellect-trained by the Flamels-founder of the twelve uses for dragon blood surely would have something more to offer his society. Once the yoke of worrying about Voldemort and Harry was removed I would have liked to have seen him branch out into research and development of spells, potions, pranks-almost anything that he had an interest in. What happened to his curious mind? Just going back to Hogwarts was boring. What a waste of talent.

Emma's conversation with Dan at the end was very touching. Made me get a bit misty eyed.

I loved the more realistic and aggressive stance of the Order. Their compassionate approach in the books never made much sense to me.

Just my random thoughts. Great story. Your writing is top notch. Thank you.
excessivelyperky chapter 6 . 6/3
Frankly, I see no problem in Voldemort knowing the whole Prophecy, he's already determined to kill Harry, and it takes that little problem entirely off the table.

And we know that Dumbledore's real plan is to offer Harry up as a sacrifice, but he's not at all ready to reveal that part (with a side of eliminating Snape somehow because he can).

But right now Harry does have a lot of power, especially with Sirius Black backing him up. Plus, we all know that Albus doesn't want Sirius to have a trial, because he'd lose control of Harry. And an Order vote? Sure, Albus has a few votes in his pocket, but probably not enough. Sirius has control of Grimmauld Place, and Dumbledore can't shake that.

I do hope that the Order remembers that Snape is a member too, and not actually on Voldemort's side, but I don't hold out much hope.
Paige chapter 20 . 5/27
Oh my gods, IAN was the one? Oh, I'm laughing so hard right now...
Addy chapter 19 . 5/27
It's actually Expecto Patronum, not Expecto Patronus...
Addy chapter 8 . 5/27
NO. Please tell me that Tonks DID NOT just DIE.
Adelle E chapter 6 . 5/27
Yes, that crazy old Black elf...
madmaxborg chapter 4 . 5/28
I cant. Thats not being or behave like adult to be constantly bending truth and facts in effort to find any no matter how illogical excuse for actions or inactions of ppl who like to play puppet masters nor its being constantly polite to ppl who arent respectful to you back and illegally curtailing ones own rights without even bothering with any explanation why.( Not to mention well manners aren't about never using bad words and saying thank you and please) Your Harry and Order talking to Dumbledore like some God and taking time to even listen to his innane excuses. Would anyone respect PM or even just headmaster if they started talking like Yoda? Would be everyone polite and respectful if they made half the known mistakes Dumbledore did? Would anyone allow teacher or any person in position of authority ever near any child if he just stand back look the other way and keep silent and allow colleague abuse their position and like McGonagall did both with Snape Dumbledore Lockhart Umbridge and others or Bones with her superiors like Fudge?
If apparently human characters not just lack any somewhat sensical if not logical motives for they behaviour and actions but dont behave or react at all as anything remotely similar to human then reader cant connect with them and its just painful and rather unsettling to read( uncanny valley does not apply only to look apparently)
PS there is limit how much visible corruption, ineptitude or abuse of power or abuse in general one can throw into plot before it just crumples under is weight into pile of utter nonsense. Even in the most corrupt 3rd world dictatorships they have to keep up minimal facade of competence and legality- PM successfully dismissing adult found on floor of room theyve broke into still holding smoking gun and bag of stolen goods as a victim of child sleeping in said room in front of police force and independent witnesses and getting away with it is a stretch not even the most outlandish fairy tale could pull off( same like school headmaster rationalizing his willing involvement in child abuse)
Accio Allsorts chapter 3 . 5/26
Ooof. That hits hard. Kudos to you for having the guts to kill off a main character. It adds a lot to the plot.
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