Reviews for Knowledge Comes At A Price
Guest chapter 18 . 7/7
This is good and I can’t wait for you to update it.
Naelyon chapter 3 . 6/22
Don't you hate it when a good fanfic is ruined by two-dimensional tertiary characters taking on a primary role...?
Besen chapter 5 . 6/18
I am writing this review in regards to the reflection of your morals in Harry's and Hermione's confrontation. Perhaps you will be open to my perspective.

In Harry's and Hermione's confrontation, Harry was right, but he was also wrong.
First, he was purposely avoiding her, so he lied here. Secondly, Harry was still a bad friend, despite also being right. 'Absolutely right' would have been being considerate as soon as Hermione had confronted him in the common room. Harry noticed her concern towards him there, but did not try to alleviate it. 'Absolutely right' would have been him having told her the very next day what he shouted at here, only doing so calmly and explaining he would need the space. At this point, it would have been Hermione's responsibility as a friend to respect this.
To surmise, as soon as he noticed his friend's-and this he very well knows-justified concern, he had the responsibility as a friend to speak to her.
Many critique through their fanfiction the non-disclosure of information towards Harry in canon, as do you, hence Hermaeus Mora, but they forget, that like in your chapter here, their characterizations of Harry sometimes become Dumbledore.
Otaku97 chapter 17 . 6/4
Pretty sure Frank Bryce was not 26 in the 90s
Might want to check that out
IAmTheLibrary chapter 18 . 4/3
good story, one of my top 10 I'd say, looking forward to the rewritten version and new chapters
TheDragonPrince99 chapter 18 . 3/30
Fantastic story, I eagerly await the continuation.
TheDragon2000 chapter 17 . 3/2
I have to say, this is in the top 5 best stories I have read in my embarrassingly active ff reading 'career'! I loved the story and am looking forward to its continuation/rewrite. Do you have any idea regarding a timeline for that?
tsun chapter 18 . 2/11

if there is problem on your story. it's disjointed. It's hard to connect some scenes.
tsun chapter 16 . 2/11
the twists in this story is always good.
tsun chapter 11 . 2/11
nice. super nice. extremely nice. you don't wait years to end your enemy if you can just do so now.
Graypdrink chapter 18 . 2/2
Alright story
Wolfsvain chapter 18 . 1/31
Its really good I have enjoyed reading it so far. Keep up the good work looking forward to more.
E chapter 18 . 12/17/2019
I appreciate all the work you're willing to put in to have a consistent story. I look forward to reading a cleaned up story!
Guest chapter 18 . 12/17/2019
Can't wait love the story already.
Guest chapter 18 . 12/17/2019
Please post a changelog of what you've fixed when you're done. It's daunting to have to reread 100k words and play spot the difference.
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