Reviews for A Lesson in Prudence
jd3 chapter 7 . 3/7
I’m glad I caught this while you were on your way back because this is such a beautiful piece of work. I honestly cried a bit during the letters. Just all around good work. Hope to see a new chapter soon!
orangefingers chapter 7 . 7/3/2019
It's great to have you back! I love this story so much, so it's nice to know you're working on it. I'll be patient and waiting, always.
OverlyInvestedFangirl chapter 1 . 11/11/2017
Really curious about who wrote this letter but beautifully written, so filled with emotion
Shadow of the Forgotten Ones chapter 2 . 9/13/2017
The letter format is a little confusing especially since you are using codenames instead of actual ones. So I'm going to take a stab and say the first chapter is an oc child and the second is Harry talking to... Neville?

These first two chapters aren't enough for me to get a feel of the story. With how it's going much would be decided in the third chapter so I look forward to your next update! Your writing is still amazing and so flowing that it makes reading it, even with my light confusion, very much worth it.
Shadow of the Forgotten Ones chapter 1 . 9/13/2017
The letter is a nice touch. However, I'm not sure (without or even with the character list) who is writing the list. It does a wonderful job of getting you to connect with the writer so kudos for that!
Taliesin19 chapter 6 . 1/6/2017
I really hope you continue this! I love your portrayal of Harry, especially during his scene with Cho. It was hilariously awkward. I love the flashback scenes as well. Everything is very well-written and engaging, and I will be very saddened if we never get to see Cho's response to Harry's not-so-tactful outburst. Can we hope for an update?
somekindofwildgirl chapter 6 . 12/15/2016
I'm finally caught up! I loved it. Poor Neville, just so stressed out. I thought this was a very well written chapter, just enough description :). And only one Hanna ;).
Tardy-Typewriter chapter 6 . 12/10/2016
The tie in the drink was the best. You do seem to capture his personality fantastically
orangefingers chapter 6 . 11/26/2016
Poor Neville. Hopefully things work out for him soon, and I love how McGonagall is carefully watching over him, like a boss. ;D Since you say the next chapter will be interesting to write, I'm anticipating for it, but don't be too stressed over it. XD
Guest chapter 6 . 11/26/2016
i totally agree on neville's pov of harry's drastically changed feelings for cho after marietta's confession to umbridge (even though this story is a little bit altered from the book, it's still pretty close). i've always felt rowling could have done something to patch up their relationship a little bit better, bc making cho a crybaby gave cho a lot of hate (even when cho had every right to be in that state). anyway, i like this story. the exposure of neville and harry's secret "mission" would be dramatic.
Louatown chapter 6 . 11/22/2016
"Sure, her friend had ratted out the DA, but it wasn't as if the pretty Asian was to blame for her friend's actions." YES! THANK YOU for mentioning this! i wish you could update every week.
orangefingers chapter 5 . 11/3/2016
This story is SO good. I'm dying to see how Cho would answer Harry's question. The drama is killing me! Anyway, you write very well, and you did such a good job with keeping the character intact. I can tell Cho had matured through out the course of time, and I love how Harry is still so awkward. Great job so far.
somekindofwildgi chapter 4 . 10/22/2016
I like the changes! It flows a bit better and I feel like we get a better sense of Harry's emotions throughout this chapter. The bit with Cho is better as well. Good job!
somekindofwildgirl chapter 5 . 10/5/2016
I thought this was so sad. In forgiving him (which is what this feels like), she is blaming him a little bit. I can't help but picture being Harry reading this and my heart just breaks. Part of me wonders if Harry had known, would he have provided for them?
Louatown chapter 5 . 10/2/2016
I don't understand. Doesn't she know her dad is Harry Potter? I don't understand.
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