Reviews for Castles and Dragons
NekoA1 chapter 6 . 8/29/2016
Lovely! Very roamantic and well written. Thank you for sharing this sweet story!
P chapter 1 . 8/28/2016
Good one! I thought it is going to be one of those Quatre being seen as effeminate will now be feminine for the good part of the story but it isn't. He will also not be a martyr and past the angst thing. He will be sinned just so he can achieve his goal and take it like a man, a king.

The Dragon system is unique but the origin was still vague. The Witch bloodline, you make it seem that all witches have blood of the dragons, does that mean that Duo is descended from one as well?

Overall, Quatre will now be called the Liberator, seeing as he frees and may even have them as an army. I liked that he gets his priorities straight.