Reviews for Secret of the Blade
nightwing27 chapter 12 . 5/19
can't wait to play zenoblade the first game for swich
nightwing27 chapter 10 . 5/7
in my first story the knights will be based on the knights of ren but not evil and they will stop the 4rd task before it starts
WithinTheMadness chapter 12 . 2/26
I don't like criticising. Paranoia that it'll detriment story developers.
So perhaps it's the long day, perhaps it's Maybelline, or perhaps someone was channeling their inner Tolkien, but this chapter is akin to Bombadil: enjoyable, but useless to the overall plot.

Really hoping there's a long-term plan here, cause this chapter, and essentially the entire Black-family storyline, seems superfluous at best. Well-written, highly detailed, but to what purpose?
As far as filler chapters go it was quite interesting. Seeing the Black Family explored and laid out is inventive and a boon to your creativity. But I nearly completely lost how it at all connected to your story. All the buildup to 'discover' the Horcrux.

Perhaps I'm at a disadvantage, reading the new chapters as they come, thus the previous aren't as fresh. But this chapter felt more of an impediment than compliment.

I will continue reading, cause I'm curious where it's going. Explanations are wonderful, but too much is a hindrance
Z.L.C. genesmith chapter 12 . 2/25
Huh, I would have thought that the true origins of the Witchblade would have been given a proper explanation that fits into canonical lore, but it looks like there was only one mention of those origins, and it was no more than a single sentence about the Witchblade being the daughter of darkness...

I feel like you should have that conversation brought up sometime in the future between Lily and the Witchblade itself, if only because the Wizarding World, being what they are, may not in fact, know the whole story about how the Witchblade came to be.
StrongGuy159 chapter 12 . 2/25
Cool chapter continue please.
WithinTheMadness chapter 11 . 2/24
Hmmm. This is remarkably slow moving for how long you've been writing it. You've the equivalent of a full-length novel and hardly a month has passed. Most of it in the past week.

Still, potential, depending on if you're going to keep dragging it out, or start moving the story along.

I'll keep a weather eye out
Bronze chapter 6 . 12/16/2019
Something has occurred to me while I was reading the next chapter. There is the possibility that Harry WASN'T a Horcrux till after he was taken to Hogwarts. There is the possibility that Fumblemort placed the soul fragment in Harry's scar and erased Poppy's memory of seeing Harry that night. If you've read canon, you'd know then you'd know if it states in the books that it really did happen during the attack. As I've never read the books I really have no idea one way or the other.
Bronze chapter 6 . 12/16/2019
well, Fumblemort'll likely just erase McGonagall's memory of this part of the night. He so absolutely loves to keep his secrets that he would do that. I can't imagine that Hagrid's accent would be easy to write nor the way House Elves do. I know other authors have said as much. I'm hoping that Sirius stays out of Azkaban this time. Too bad you allowed Peter to escape. Lily really deserved to kill him personally. I also think she deserves to kill Fumblemort as well. Him and that stupid ass prophecy! If he actually trained his people to kill the Death Eaters instead of wanting to capture them, there'd be fewer of them around causing trouble. Now for this story, you may not agree with me but I think of Fumblmort as the Primary Dark Lord of the late twentieth to early twenty-first centuries. He's darker than Voldemort simply because he doesn't kill someone himself. He sets them up to be killed by his enemies and thus thinks his own hands are still clean.
Bronze chapter 5 . 12/16/2019
Too bad Lily didn't prevent that damn scar! That would've screwed up Fumblemorts' plans even further. Now I seriously doubt that Peter was Imperioused as Voldemort said. That's just an excuse for doing what they, the Death Eaters, wanted to do anyways. But now from the way you've written this so far I have to assume that Lily won't take Harry and leave Fumblemort to clean up his own mess. Besides, Harry'd be much, much safer in another country well away from that old fraud's influence.
Bronze chapter 4 . 12/16/2019
While I don't know who the Snake is I do know James is inviting his and Lily's betrayer into their safe house. Seeing as James went to all that trouble to break up Lily and Severus's friendship I seriously he's the Snake referred to in the note. It's really too bad that James is so totally blind to the manipulations of the old goat rapist. Ya, I know that's supposedly his brother Abe but if he's lied about one thing why not many others? Now the changes to the Potters' Wills would certainly piss off Fumblemort. I have no proof but I wouldn't be at all surprised if his plans were two-fold. First, he gets to set his phony prophecy in motion and secondly, control of the Potter fortune to do with as he pleases. So, under those circumstances, it's a win-win for him. However, with these changes to the Wills, he'd get none of that unless he somehow blocked the reading and took control of Harry. Now I hope Lily is smart enough to get the hell out of England with Harry if she survives the visit from Voldemort. Do the lockdown and moving of the Potter vaults to ensure Fumblemort can't get his greedy little mitts on any of the gold and then leave the country. Let old fur face clean up his own mess. She should also get the Longbottoms out as well. Leave Fumblemort holding the bag with no savior to pass it to. That'd really piss him off. And that's all for the greater good.
Bronze chapter 3 . 12/15/2019
I tend to believe the Witchblade rather than James. There's no way that anyone would write down the full truth of their betrayal. Especially the Head of a powerful magical family! It'd show them not to be as Light sided as they'd want to be seen. It might also start to make allies rethink being your ally. After all, if you betrayed someone once you might just do it again. Which basically means that James comes from a family of betrayers. I'm willing to bet that the wizards fear the Witchblade because it ONLY bonds to women and will kill any man who tries to wield it. That's a terrible blow to the male ego! Especially with how wizards seem to feel that witches are lesser beings. Come to think of it, that might also be why wizards call Morgana Le Fay a Dark Lady. Maybe she wasn't Dark but just as powerful or maybe more so than any wizard of the time save Merlin. As the saying goes, History is written by the winners.
Bronze chapter 2 . 12/15/2019
Seeing as the Witchblade disappeared after Joan of Arc it becomes clear that a Potter had a hand in her death. Maybe he didn't kill her outright but he had a part in it. Your remark about Lily marrying the Bully of her friend does make sense. But the part where Severus calls Lily a Mudblood really doesn't. If someone is defending you from bullies why would you then turn on them? I'm thinking now that it was another false memory planted to keep her from regaining her friendship with Severus. For this story, it works but maybe not in canon. And now she's off to really screw up the plans of three egomaniacs. James Potter, Albus Dumbledore, and Tom Riddle. After she sees to James I really can't see her abandoning Harry. You really can't hold the actions of the father against a baby. And if she abandons Harry that's what she'd be doing.
Bronze chapter 1 . 12/11/2019
Most interesting. I thought after reading the name it was Augustus Longbottom. Then the last name is shown to be Potter. What a surprise! The story so far has got me very interested. Having seen the anime Witchblade I'm looking forward to seeing how you work this with Lily using it. I'm sure Riddle'll just love it!
deadpool76 chapter 11 . 9/14/2019
This is an interesting fic. Keep up the good work.
RCPMione chapter 11 . 5/31/2019
very nice, love to read more so please keep writing!
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