Reviews for The Red Fog Incident
BananaTrashcan chapter 17 . 4/25/2017
Great story! I liked the connection between characters and how it played out.
Wallnutt chapter 17 . 9/30/2016
This definitely need a sequel ! :D
Dr. Valentine chapter 17 . 9/17/2016
I have been looking for a fanfic like this for years. I'm glad I've finally found one that filled my expectations. I absolutely loved it, especially the parts about Makoto. Hope there'll be a sequel!
jettmanas chapter 17 . 9/8/2016
As a huge fan of P4AU (I still play the game to this day), I found this retelling to be fantastic!
Really enjoyed your new villain teamup w/Sho (I'd heard about Nyar being a good character). Closure w/Liz, Makoto & the P3 gang. Heightened drama for Mitsuru & Aki. Development w/Yosuke & Chie. Yukiko being a lot better in your story than the game! Her being in danger at the inn & worried about her family was really good. Also liked her & Yu being a couple. Great job getting Marie into the the story as well! Can't thank you enough for this- hope it gets lots of favs/reviews.
OhtaSuzuke chapter 10 . 9/3/2016
i binged on all the chapters in one sitting, and i like what i'm reading. while i dont have the game in my possession, thanks to YouTube and Let's Plays, i managed to get a whole gist of the original story. honestly, i think you explained the whole situation better while making use of The Crawling Chaos and how he ties in and what he can gain from all this. that motivation was pretty weak in the game and left me disappointed. thankfully, there's fanfiction. you've inspired me to perfect the motivation angle for my own fic, so thank you. cant wait for the next chapter B-)
sora nii chapter 7 . 9/2/2016
this seems good and interesting please keep going with more soon