Reviews for A Liar's Heart
mercyandmagic chapter 8 . 11/6/2016
I toast you, Amy! Live dangerously, indeed!
But really, I enjoyed her argument with Ren. I'm glad he doesn't want to kill her. she knows Snoke? :O :O :O
Hamliet chapter 8 . 11/6/2016
Wow. This was actually one of my favorite chapters. I loved the emotion bleeding from their conversation, and Amy continues to intrigue me. Her banter with Kylo is top-notch, and I love her motto of "live dangerously." I get the feeling she and Kylo are more alike than either realizes (especially Kylo), and yet different in key ways. And I'm super excited to see how convincing him to go back to his mother's going to go.
mercyandmagic chapter 7 . 10/31/2016
Oooooh so now she knows. I am so excited for what happens next.
Hamliet chapter 7 . 10/30/2016
I love this! This is your best chapter yet. I know I said this to you earlier, but I appreciate how Amy is just as interesting as Kylo-and I never say this about OC in fanfiction, but it's true here. The foreshadowing is really intriguing, and you're and inviting lots of questions about who exactly she thought she was talking to. And I really like Amy's approach to Kylo. And I love "what han..." which is clearly in reference to a hand, but also works with double meaning... I had so many feels for Kylo-he's really in despair, and the medications are definitely keeping him vulnerable. The line "the cold had seeped even deeper into his flesh now. I can't tell her... I can't tell anyone..." That killed me. And now I neeeeed to know what happens next!
twobrothers135 chapter 6 . 10/23/2016
So good, just so good! It's slow but good slow. I can not wait to see what happens and how their relationship develops. Will he be located and found and will she be taken as well? The suspense.
mercyandmagic chapter 6 . 10/16/2016
Coffee can do MAGIC, I tell you!
"Funny thing a soul is. Doesn't need fuel to torment us." True that.
Kylo's trembling voice and childlike state towards the end really pulled at my heart. Super, super excited to see where this goes.

P.S. Bio is wjiehfhrkjsbjksfks (ahem) enough on its own, or so I've found. I admire your efforts and good luck!
Hamliet chapter 6 . 10/16/2016
I love the suspense in this chapter, and Amy's kindness towards the end. She really wants to save "Ben" (it's weird to put that in quotations; it is, after all, his real name) and that comes across, despite her pragmatic handling of the situation. Basically: she is a good doctor, and I would like to make an appointment with her... you know. In a real hospital. And preferably when I'm not dying, lol. But to be real, she seems like the kind of person you find easy to trust: dedicated, efficient, but still with compassion lurking in her heart.
I think my favourite part is where Kylo's wondering about where her power comes from. It's a great example of show, don't tell, and we can see that his battle with the light is not over. And also the line about how a soul doesn't need fuel to torment us... it's very true, and it's also intriguing. Amy, what happened to make you live all alone?
Kylo's fear also comes across very well, but it's not over the top-it's realistic. And I was only squeamish at one part, and even then-the part about her blood running through his veins-I think the imagery is really powerful, so I read it anyways :P
AvalonTheLadyKiller chapter 5 . 10/4/2016
Damn good chapter! Hope she'll continue to be a little rough around the edges. It makes her stand apart from the other stories I've read. She's definitely got a past I'm dying to know... Is she a lost Force sensitive who survived the annihilation? As always, great work!
moonsword17 chapter 5 . 10/2/2016
Your story is awesome. Only thing I can think of that you got wrong has nothing to do with medicine. Chewie's weapon is a bow caster, not a blow caster.
mercyandmagic chapter 5 . 10/2/2016
I really enjoyed the science-y parts to this! Although, I was sort of expecting her to say "Well, the vein in your head is popping out so much, I'll just use that instead of your arm." Mwahahaha. ;)
Your use of description is very good, too - the humidity, the pain of scalding water, etc, feels very vivid.
Hamliet chapter 5 . 10/2/2016
I love this. I love your take on Kylo Ren in particular-he just reads so in-character. I love how we can feel his mental state deteriorating as he worries about whether or not Amy will come back, as the things he tries to pretend don't bother him start tormenting him-his father's death, his defeat, etc. I love also the little bits of humor you sprinkle through the chapter ("never better")-it off-sets the heaviness of what's really occurring, and yet doesn't feel out of place-it flows. And now I'm anxious and oh gosh-that cliffhanger! I can't wait for next week's update, for real. (He;s got to be AB positive, right? Right?)
AvalonTheLadyKiller chapter 4 . 9/29/2016
Keep going! We're all hanging onto every little detail as to her past. Her every action is as watched by us, as Kylo Ren. He'll be determined to come out of this on top. However he can use her to escape, he will. She should be very careful. Like a wounded animal, he's at his most dangerous.
jayjay0815 chapter 4 . 9/25/2016
It keeps getting more and more mysterious. But very good written. I am looking forward to the next chapter.
mercyandmagic chapter 4 . 9/25/2016
Aw, I like that he told her his real name. I'm also liking Amy's bluntness...their interactions will be quite fun, methinks.
Hamliet chapter 4 . 9/25/2016
I love that we get to see more of Amy's personality here-I really like her, and I love the hints we get that something may not be quite on the up-and-up with her. I'm really curious to learn more about her, and whatever the gibberish is! I also love Kylo being Kylo-struggling to hold everything together every while everything's falling apart and vulnerability's seeping through (aka giving his name as Ben and screaming that he isn't afraid, even though he very clearly is. And I love that physical pain is something he's afraid of here-you'd think he'd pretend to be above that, but he's clearly at a breaking point, and that's really powerful).
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