Reviews for I'll Pretend For You
The Pale One chapter 1 . 9/14/2016
Oh man, this is too cute~ Sad that Harry had to go through that shiz with the Dursleys but happy that he found his family in the end! I love big brother Ethan by the way! Ughh~ This makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. Did I mention I liked Ethan?
pottersparky chapter 1 . 9/4/2016
Never like Dumbledore. He always acting like he was god. Thinking he knows best with not standing up to him when they know he is wrong. He still headmaster of that school than they should send harry to one far way from crazy old man. It like the wizard world never use their brains and was just a lot of sheep that could not think for themselves which could very well been their undoing. They had ways in making sure these killers did not walk the streets but ones in power were fools. Not any grown ups in school stood up for children and you feel sorry them because the grown ups are weak. Lily and James will never trust Dumbledore again no I am sorry will do with his unforgiveful act. I hope he pays for what he did. Anyway great one shot. Hope you like review.