Reviews for A Different Divergent: More Today than Yesterday
Yugioash chapter 68 . 7/24
I just had a thought, I wonder if Marcus used the third party involvement divorce method to secretly divorce Evelyn just incase his fake funeral didn't pull through. Marcus is Candor born Abnegation chosen so he might of knew people in Candor
Alenyeye chapter 79 . 3/1
aleneyeye chapter 53 . 2/29
Guest chapter 90 . 12/19/2019
Another wonderful installment to this story! I am super excited to read them training initiates together, which I'm positive will be in part 3!

I have to admit, before I found 'A Different Divergent', I'd gone from story to story about Four and Tris training initiates and they were all the same! Seriously! I have real hope that your version will be excellent! Maybe I needed to find a story like this, that not only covered them training transfers and them going to C&D party after C&D party. I needed a more in depth, well-thought out plot, just like you've provided! Thank you!

Anyway, I'm gonna shut up now and go read part 3. Excited!
Guest chapter 87 . 12/19/2019
Yay, I was hoping the knife throwing would stay!
Guest chapter 70 . 12/17/2019
I hate how Marcus' interrogation turned out. Bastard. He'll get his, like Tris said. And they've made a breakthrough- FINALLY!
Guest chapter 69 . 12/17/2019
What? I'm sorry... WHAT?! He's lying, but how?
Guest chapter 57 . 12/16/2019
Oh my God. Eeeew! It's not her fault cos she was cosumating her "marriage", but EEEEW! This is going to KILL Four!
Guest chapter 56 . 12/16/2019
I'm going to be sick. No joke. Every time she kisses him a wave of nausea hits me. This better not last long!
Guest chapter 55 . 12/16/2019
No! WTF? Please don't do this to her, to them!
Guest chapter 52 . 12/16/2019
...still crying, but for entirely different reasons now!
Guest chapter 51 . 12/16/2019
I'm crying! So much!
Guest chapter 50 . 12/16/2019
I'm so nervous
Guest chapter 46 . 12/16/2019
Was Marcus seriously hoping Four would be punished, possibly by death? I hate the man. I'm actually more scared of what he may do now, now that there are babies involved.
Guest chapter 45 . 12/16/2019
No! Stay away you cheating bustard. He's not a good option for Tyler, surely?! He's scum
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