Reviews for Wheel in Motion
Flamefenrir645 chapter 14 . 6/13/2019
Please continue this story! Beyblade Metal Saga has been my first fandom and this the first story I ever read in this fandom. I fell in love with it from first glance, it was everything to me and still is! Your writing was just so touching and captivating that I just couldn't stay away! You have such a good grasp in your characters and you show it in your writing. This story cleared my skin and watered my crops. As a fellow writer I can understand if you gave up on this story but frkm the deepest parts of my heart I want to say this to youTHIS STORY WAS AMAZING, IS AMAZING AND ALWAYS WILL BE. So thank you for giving me such a beautiful and wholesome start to the world of fandom. Keep it up!
Flamefenrir645 chapter 14 . 6/7/2018
The chapter was so good!; I like how you touched Ryuga's personality like that, that as normally as Ryuga acts with Ling, you can't ignore how complex his personality really is; that he's still the antagonist of Metal Fusion no matter what Ling thinks of him. I've read many stories where they make Ryuga out to be a victim along with him having his own sob story. No, Ryuga has and always remain a strong character that conquers the darkness inside LDrago later on. I absolutely adored the way you wrote chapter yet still reminded us of who he truly is. The chemistry between them was also highlighted perfectly and the way Ryuga went all mama bear on the offender when it came to Ling has me grinning like a mad woman!
Keep your good work up and I await your updatealthough its been a year).
Jay's Wing chapter 14 . 8/13/2017
This is amazing so far. I like what you did with Ryuga there. Pls update as soon as you can!

P.S. Inspiring for my own story on Quotev.
striker86 chapter 14 . 7/31/2017
Wow nice chapter :D :D :D :D
Mide chapter 14 . 7/29/2017
Happy to see you back at, I'll keep reading until it competed.
Little-Miss-Loveless chapter 14 . 7/29/2017
Take your time, quality is important too! I loved the chapter.
Little-Miss-Loveless chapter 13 . 4/27/2017
Aww, the reunion was so sweet! Can't wait for more as usual :)
striker86 chapter 12 . 4/12/2017
Wow nice chapter :D :D :D plzzz read and review on my stories as well
Little-Miss-Loveless chapter 12 . 4/9/2017
This chapter didn't disappoint! Cute kyoya and long moment too :)
Little-Miss-Loveless chapter 11 . 3/17/2017
Aww, the ling x ryuga part was adorable! I loved this chapter, truly one of the few good fics that deserves a read! Keep it up
Guest chapter 10 . 2/25/2017
Love it!
Flamefnrir645 chapter 10 . 2/23/2017
OMG! i think i am a fan of THIS FANFICTION! simply in love with this fanfic !cant wait for the next chapter! Plz repost soon!
Little-Miss-Loveless chapter 10 . 2/20/2017
Awesome chapter as always! Can't wait to see more progress between ling and ryuga
Right chapter 1 . 2/19/2017
Wow I like how u wrote I like wheels in motion of my car they roll every time I drive my car and it produces friction against the road I like how it rolls it's very calm I don't like traffic it is very boring we have to wait for so so long I like how u have written the story I like it nice u seem very intelligent and pretty I bet u r boy or girl whatever u r handsome or pretty nice nice very nice
Gon chapter 1 . 1/27/2017
I like wheels in motion like wheels on a bus go round n round and round again and den phussssss wind gone out
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