Reviews for Heels of Steel
Tricqi Cici chapter 1 . 9/10/2016
I just died. A little inside. More like a lot. This... THIS. God I haven't read a Stony fic in so long! Good lord...Tony...and the heels...and the outfit (I looked up that outfit specifically thank you very much) just...DAMN. See Steve, this is what happens when you decide to be in full-on JOCK/Obe-of-those-sports-dads-that-drink-beer-and-yell-at-the-TV-during-football-games mode for a day. You almost missed your daily dose of Tony. What would you have done then. And you got irritated cause Peter forgot to wash off his dishes? Pssht. You didn't move your potato butt anyway. And the apple core? Crusty Steve. Crusty. That's bad to see Captain Anerica being crusty. Kudos to Tony for having sense. And ridiculous pajamas XD Welp. has stopped working due to steamy Stony and devilish Tony destroying my processors.