Reviews for An Officer and a Journalist
Rachel625 chapter 45 . 8/12/2017
I don't usually leave reviews but I felt so led to with this one! I just have to say that I just read both of these stories and was absolutely in love! I loved having the new perspective of all of the characters and how it still reflected the personalities of those characters from the show. It was such an interesting twist right from the start of 'Hollow Undercover' and was on my the edge of my seat the entire time reading both that and this sequel! Would love to read the next part of these stories!
sweetreader chapter 11 . 1/25/2017
I'm really confused by William's aging. It's like he's aging way faster than everyone else. At the beginning of the chapter he was two but Lorelai counted him as being three in that scene with Sookie. I noticed some inconsistencies about him in an earlier chapter too. Also, you said Sookie was a few month's pregnant with her first baby but then she tells Lor that she and Jackson have decided to try for a sibling for Dave. I love the story itself but those things don't make sense
kpop381 chapter 13 . 1/25/2017
Loved Rory's fable about the kingdom. Loving this story!
mollymaefarrell chapter 1 . 11/13/2016
Tell me you're going to do a sequal, maybe when Lori is a teen or Rory and Jess have another kid? I'd love to see it through your eyes.
Nancy chapter 45 . 11/9/2016
This has been a wonderful journey. Thank you so much. I will be watching for more from you!
Droolia chapter 8 . 9/23/2016
It's so cool to see how much Jess has accomplished.
Droolia chapter 7 . 9/23/2016
The moment between Emily and lorelai was super sweet. Glad you included it.
Droolia chapter 6 . 9/23/2016
I'm glad that Rory didn't get into chilton. Makes the story more realistic.

I have to warn you that while your story is good, I'm not a fan of reading letters. Song lyrics either, but that's not an issue here. If I stop reviewing, you'll know why. I'll try to hold on though. I need to find out more about baby Danes and the gang.
Droolia chapter 4 . 9/22/2016
This has been bothering all today. Lauren graham is 5'9 and Scott is 6'0. Even without heels, she would be higher than his shoulders. Whew. Done now.
Droolia chapter 3 . 9/21/2016
Even if it's Kirk, it's still weird that he proposed to Jess. Run Jess, run!
Droolia chapter 2 . 9/20/2016
That's so sweet that they sent him such a considerate care package. My first thought was that it must have been expensive. That was followed by, "they love him and just saved money by not purchasing airfare. That's ok."
Droolia chapter 1 . 9/20/2016
It was kind of funny and cute that lorelai didn't even notice that she was eating the fruit. Didn't realize the possible pregnancy until Sookie spelled it out for her. I'm so happy that both Luke and Rory are happy about this too. Can't wait to read more about the adventure you have come up with this time.
chelsbaby chapter 45 . 9/14/2016
WOW! I seriously LOVED these two stories. Seriously I am obsessed :) I just read both in less than two days! I loved this AU and everything about it.
junienmomo chapter 10 . 9/13/2016
Recovering society dame is hands down the best line I've read so far!
ImTheNana chapter 37 . 9/12/2016
The Firefly Inn? Also, I'm really bummed with the rape, but again, can see how it may have come to that. Carry on
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