Reviews for how did we get here?
rose1 chapter 2 . 7/6/2018
Hey this story is great. Your writing is really good and I think you got the emotions out really well. I could just feel Derek's sarcasm and pain and him and Casey's interactions were great. I know this hasn't been updated in a while but I hope you'll finish this story one day because I'd love to read more.
elliem2021 chapter 1 . 6/3/2018
We need more!
hyper13 chapter 2 . 2/16/2017
Oh god. this is like the third time I've read this and I just need more. I need answers and a resolution! I love the way it's written!
Lingeredlastinlineforbrains chapter 2 . 12/7/2016
still waiting for an updatee XD !
MagadeOz chapter 2 . 11/3/2016
i love it, i love it, i loooove it! Please keep going
Balyndaba chapter 2 . 10/10/2016
This is so good. Please write more.
owlzilla chapter 2 . 10/1/2016
Oooh! I love Derek in this - his thoughts are super fun to read! I like a pining Derek so that's right up my alley as well *shrugs*
Lingeredlastinlineforbrains chapter 2 . 9/26/2016
yes yes yes ...omg you're doing this yeeeeessssssss thankkkk you so so much ..also i love a scheming Derek XD ! update soon !
Trinimex chapter 1 . 9/20/2016
Poor Derek. I feel for him.
w0nd3rw0man chapter 1 . 9/17/2016
Ok. Stop whatever you're doing and write more. Please, oh please? This was great (excellent really) but I just can't. No, this can't end like this. You're killing meeeee.
Lingeredlastinlineforbrains chapter 1 . 9/17/2016
Dude ! update ...please ...please update ...god yes my poor boy ... ah I love his thoughts ... XD ... this is so awesome ...please please please update please ...a dasey fic after so many days ...please don't leave it half way ...your awesome !
Requiem17 chapter 1 . 9/17/2016
Derek's thoughts were hilarious, loved every minute
lucayathegood chapter 1 . 9/16/2016
This was so good! And heartbreaking. We're introduced to this Derek as someone who knows he's in like (love) with Casey, but will never let anything become of that. Throughout the story he slowly becomes more okay with the idea that, yeah, maybe he shouldn't love her as much as he does, but they could get on this way. They could be happy. But then it all comes crashing down around him, the life he'd planned out in his head. He's not in love with Casey, he's in love with his step-sister, because that's all anyone will ever see her as to him. And maybe if she'd known that his love for her was true, and that, yes, it's okay to love him back, or that the "step" isn't as important as the "love," then maybe something could have happened. But it's truly heartbreaking to watch his world fall down around him when he realizes she's a victim of this unfortunate circumstance just as much as he is.

Sorry for the analysis, lmao. I just have a lot of feelings about the story and couldn't even get them all written down, haha, but I really did enjoy this story. Would love to maybe see Casey's side of the story (?). Thank you for this fic!
riarklegirl chapter 1 . 9/16/2016
Yikes well that is the most saddest dasey story I've read that I can remember