Reviews for The Devil's Plan
keljvt chapter 41 . 5/5
I have loved this story from the start and can't wait to see what happens next. The little twists and turns are excellent!
Lyndsay Laf chapter 41 . 4/25
Dakota Joanne chapter 41 . 4/24
Very good
cbzoo chapter 41 . 4/24
If you have a Winn Dixie they will shop for you (you order on line)and deliver it to your doorstep $14.99 a month or if you have a Wal-mart you shop online then pick it up staying your vehicle and only coming in contact with one person and not extra charge
sujari6 chapter 41 . 4/23
Carlisle's not a very pleasant person. Charlie needs to listen to Bella.
Shamatt0403 chapter 41 . 4/22
Oh no
LaPumuckl chapter 41 . 4/22
I was worried about Edward falling asleep, though it seems that wasn't necessary after Carlisle did his little speech and running away:(
spechell chapter 41 . 4/22
i hope Devilward won't understand what they are doing. great chapter. hope you and your loves one are well
2brown-eyes chapter 41 . 4/22
Emmett earned some respect back from me. Carlisle still has a long way to go. Love the update
jmc62 chapter 41 . 4/22
Fantastic update i adore this story
Rita01tx chapter 41 . 4/22
Carlisle better get his act together or he stands to lose more than the damn position he so coveted! In fact, his attitude is probably the reason Edward lost control in the end...damn it!

Take care Christa darlin' *HUGS!*
archy12 chapter 41 . 4/22
Well, I certainly hope so!
Carlisle is, like Esme said, a stubborn fool.
Good that Edward made up with Esme and got a weight off his chest.
trisha63 chapter 41 . 4/22
Thanks for another fantastic chapter update! I don't care how long it takes to get a new chapter out as I will always be here waiting to see what happens next with Devilward! So glad Edward was able to stay in control so long as to understand what Satan is planning and then to spend time with his brother and mother and Kodi, too. I'm surprised he was able to hold on so long with the horrible way Carlisle was treating him, and that is ultimately what drained him allowing the Devil to obtain control. Can't wait to see what happens next! Thank you for taking the time to write when you could be resting. I certainly appreciate you effort and hope you are well and staying safe. Take care, Trisha :}
Rebadams7 chapter 41 . 4/21
Oh Edward. You’ve come so far!’
Dicatakadd chapter 41 . 4/21
Holy shit that was a great chapter!

Great to see you.
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