Reviews for Konoha Tengu in the Summer Night
Crystal-Wolf-Guardain-967 chapter 20 . 7/25
Loved it!
xcandiedoll chapter 20 . 6/15
Yay an update! I liked the idea of taking care of Rena. She's kinda cute. I just hope she's not a traitor (huhu but she is suspicious).
And please someone hit Minato-chan's head with that celery stalk! Excited for what's next UwU
lovinurbuks chapter 20 . 6/13
I need more! this was so cute
Itachiisgod2019 chapter 1 . 6/13
Awe Minato is realizing his true feelings! Also does anyone else get weird vibes from Rena? I really hope she doesn’t turn out to be a spy or something even worse. Hopefully they did a thorough investigation on her
xcandiedoll chapter 19 . 5/15
alright huhu i wonder when Minato realize his true feelings? im expecting a Kushina encounter on the next chapter!

thanks for this story! excited for your next update!
xcandiedoll chapter 10 . 5/14
omg such fluff! and here i thought i was happy with Jiraiya in the picture, damn with Tsunade, its even more adorable!
xcandiedoll chapter 9 . 5/14
uwu this is too adorable! Minato and Kaya look cute together! ok im on the boat!
nice story! i like the developments. Jiraiya taking care of these two, he seems like the type to really enjoy pulling these kind of pranks. hilarious ero sennin haha lol at that 'Namikaze Kaya' room xD

also, jiraiya gushing about a granddaughter is something i never thought i needed. cute!
lovinurbuks chapter 19 . 5/2
ugh, how can you expect me to not love them together. I'm so intrigued by that little girl!
Emocean chapter 18 . 5/1
A nice and pleasant story!
lovinurbuks chapter 18 . 4/19
so excited to read more! enter hatake!
Crystal-Wolf-Guardain-967 chapter 17 . 4/14
loved it! more please?!
lovinurbuks chapter 17 . 4/12
always a sucker for fluff! loved this chapter! I can't wait for the next!
lovinurbuks chapter 16 . 4/6
so excited to read more!
WarFlower chapter 16 . 4/6
Big oof though... If this is a Minato x oc... With the direction this is going something super dramatics gunna happen between Kushina and Minato... I STAN this drama bs TBH
lovinurbuks chapter 15 . 9/23/2019
I really don't know what you have under your sleeve with this book. I definitely wasn't expecting 3 year travel plans. I can kind of see where you're going with it and I'm excited to read more! Please update as soon as you can
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