Reviews for Our Little Box of Criminals
MadaraUchiha-Chan chapter 8 . 4/28/2017
Oh gosh that last part XD
Poor Serenity...good luck with them all ;3
And to your answer to my last review...OMG YAY UCHIHA GETTING
Ahem *blushes in embarrassment at my fangirling* a-anyways, I await your next chapter eagerly, please update again soon, you are awesome XD
JigokuShoujosRevenge chapter 8 . 4/26/2017
Poor Serenity. So what does she do now? Sit in a corner? But she was asked to entertain them. . . Pole dance in the corner? The humanity! Well her position sucks right now.
AmbertheCat chapter 8 . 4/26/2017
Right now my internet is off. but it should be back on later today. as right now I'm on a hand-held.
this chapter is very serious to my surprise. but i like it. nice surprise XD
so shopping with Konan? Sounds fun.~
yutta.hey chapter 7 . 3/29/2017
Allison's coping method is the same as my own. She's my favourite OC by far.
MadaraUchiha-Chan chapter 7 . 3/16/2017
And things are starting to pick up!
I wonder though...what part will Tobi play...I'm honestly an Uchiha fangirl (mostly Madara-sama, Obito, and Itachi XD) so I always look forward to Tobi/Madara or Tobi/Obito and Itachi's what will they be?
Keep up the great work and update again soon ;3
JigokuShoujosRevenge chapter 7 . 3/14/2017
I both love and respect the fact that they realized who the Akatsuki were after a beheading. But I don't like how you pointed out the fact that all 'Akatsuki are animals and come here' stories are left unfinished. . . That's just cruel. I just can't imagine where you take this, but I'm looking forward to it.
AmbertheCat chapter 7 . 3/14/2017
I love the editing you did, normally I'm not all that fond of surprises but each one you give me I like! I can't wait for more and to make the next chapter with you!~
NatNicole chapter 7 . 3/14/2017
EPIC update from start to finish! Very realistic!
Izzy-Neko chapter 7 . 3/14/2017
Oh trust me, he stills questions while I randomly laugh at the computer. I just have to say Fanfiction and he'll question no more XD

Also, love the story and this chapter, so happy to see you guys being alive and well, writing again. Hope everything has smoothed out in your lives!
Also, the characters I love, Serenity's weird ness makes me laugh and we didn't see much of Alison this chapter so I was sad but no doubt, we'll see more of her next chapter!

Love the POTC quote, Parley~ No doubt I'd be stupid enough to yell that during danger lol
Cannot wait for the next chapter! A-Dored-it
belladu57 chapter 7 . 3/14/2017
Very good
iram0123 chapter 7 . 3/14/2017
It seems that our dear girls are in trouble, but you sure made the situation sound quite realistic. Every Akatsuki member was in their own character and some parts made me even laugh, too. I love it, when there are writers like you around.
MadaraUchiha-Chan chapter 6 . 1/12/2017
Omg poor Itachi lol!
This is awesome and really well written...update soon please :3
Fairygirl960 chapter 6 . 12/30/2016
The last part was so funny! thanks for the update I can't wait till the next one
JigokuShoujosRevenge chapter 6 . 12/29/2016
XD Tobi appears naked except for the mask and nobody questions this. And now Alison thinks she's in a house filled with strippers. The perfect time to interrogate her without her knowledge! But how long would that last? And as someone who carves wood, I found the way the cats transformed funny. (I also do not pay attention to the rules of safety involving my tools, but it never transformed Acatsukis) And bold move to make chakra accessible. I can only see Acatsuki gold happening from here on out.
(I know what I spelled)
Izzy-Neko chapter 6 . 12/29/2016
I'm laughing. I am seriously laughing and crying like an idiot and my boyfriend is giving me a look of 'what is wrong with you woman?'
I decided to show him the last part, now he questions what the hell I read - he must never know hehe Mainly the "You best be stripping cosplayers-" part XD

Also, yay!
Amber, you write good crap. Like, it be amazing and you both make me grin, smile and look like a fool to the unknowing eye while I giggle my head off and randomly grin/smile at what you two come up with.

The plot is going awesome, not-too-slow and not-too-fast!
The characters are perfectly in the character so far and I love Alison's way of thinking they were hired. One way to think of it, not the normal but who said they were normal? Ren's way was also pretty awesome! Gotta love the whole "Bitch I don't even know!" part and Sasori questioning Deidara about being a rap or Burg?

I burst out laughing at that scene. Almost got my BF's brother to come in and question what was wrong with me! All I got was a yell from the through! ALMOST! SO CLOSE!
Hehe, either way, I absolutely love it so far and cannot wait for the next chapter!
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