Reviews for Atonement
alice.fazio13 chapter 2 . 8/23/2019
Please update soon
Heart chapter 1 . 12/14/2018
Wait the og curse seal prevents suicide. Also what even Rin and Minato
Gogglegirl chapter 2 . 10/22/2018
I hope Obito manages to save Rin but then a few years later she still DIES with him unable to do anything to stop it because she's far away on a mission and he has no way of knowing the danger she ended up in! That scenario offers many opportunities for Obito to grow/regress as a person. Would he take it as a sign that nothing he does matters? Would he be determined to not give in to despair like he did the last time she died? Would he become so numb that Kakashi chucks Gai and Anko at him in hopes of Obito not staying numb forever? Would he go challenge the Akatsuki members into a fight in hopes of dying from it (basically an indirect suicide)?
This story has infinite potential! :D
Kris Senju chapter 1 . 10/1/2018
So he's a kid again?
dandy-akinoris chapter 6 . 2/28/2017
Please don't kill me, but I would be really damn happy if Rin died.
Hopefully Obito will finally realize to give up on Rin.
dandy-akinoris chapter 4 . 2/28/2017
Also, as much as Rin annoys me, I'll KEEP ENDURING FOR OBITO'S SAKE!
Hashirama 1710 chapter 6 . 12/28/2016
well the seals shouldn't be a problem after all obito knows about them
Someone chapter 6 . 11/14/2016
AH! The ending for this chapter. Like, oh my Kami-sama!
Magyka13 chapter 6 . 11/6/2016
adorable seen to me wanting to make Madara eat his own balls
Antex-The Legendary Zoroark chapter 6 . 11/6/2016
Great chapter! It's been SO LONG since you updated last! Great work. Keep it up and update again soon! I look forward to the next chapter!
Magyka13 chapter 5 . 10/10/2016
Ooooooh i almost cant wait for more
Antex-The Legendary Zoroark chapter 5 . 10/8/2016
WHOOHOO! Obito is home! What'll happen next? Is Team Minato still there? Update soon! I can't wait to see what happens next!
DovahStark chapter 5 . 10/8/2016
Awesome chapter been waiting for this one. I do have one question did the sensing barrier dectect him?
Liz-Blizz chapter 4 . 9/27/2016
Oooo, I can't wait to see what is in store for this verse with Obito getting free of Madara. And better yet taking those two with him.
Antex-The Legendary Zoroark chapter 4 . 9/27/2016
WHOO! Awesome chapter and amazing cover art! I like it. glad to see that the Zetsu agreed to go with Obito! This is gonna be a heck of an adventure! Although I'm sure Black Zetsu may suspect something...
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