Reviews for Charlie and The Tale of Redemption (2007)
Martyn chapter 2 . 9/29/2016
Think you can do my future movie in your fanfiction page as well? Here it is - The Voyage: Rise of a Hero
The story is all about Ragnar, a cowardly 13 year old orphan raised by the creatures of the wild as an infant looking for his purpose in life rather than stealing food to survive. He tends suffer from self-confident issues, has a bottomless stomach and is secretly the childhood friend of Princess Katie, the only human who likes him. He's also a fan of the kingdom's greatest heroes (Daroach, Vivian, Twilas, Gregorai and Rockwell) and is always dreaming of being part of them. His dream now comes true when a tournament is being held and he gets chosen by the Princess as the (accidental) champion who joins the heroes on the voyage to slay Zayvrok, a villainous gargoyle and the ruler of the Underworld, who wants revenge on Daroach for slicing off his wings and disgracing him. After a feast in his honour, Ragnar is overjoyed that he finally got the chance to become one of the heroes. Meanwhile in the Underworld, Zayvrok and his unholy army (of shoulder-high spear-wielding goblins made of shrubs, corroding zombies knights, huge leaches with vampire-like tusks, velociraptors with scorpion tails, ghoulish looking bats that serve as mounts and a wise-cracking anthropomorphic mantis that serves as Zayvrok's number 2) must find the blood of a half-human child to revive his wings before getting his revenge, rule the Kingdom and later the world. During the journey and encountering some challenging obstacles along the way, Daroach becomes more closer to Ragnar like he was his own son and discovers that HE'S the child Zayvrok is after. The demons capture Scarf, Ragnar's ferret friend, prompting Ragnar to go after them, unaware he is being led into the Underworld and Zayvrok's plan now unfolds as his wings grow back and his army (who absolutely DESPISE humans) march towards the Kingdom. Unable to cope with Zayvrok's uprising and his dream crushed, Ragnar sinks into manic depression and exiles himself away from the heroes. Scarf and Daroach find him and convince him to return to the Kingdom and save everyone, but not before remembering how his parents died saving him when Zayvrok first attacked. It was a tough battle, but they manage to vanquish the unholy gargoyle and Ragnar is finally recognized as a hero and one of the Champions. He even gets his first (accidental) kiss with Princess Katie.
P.S, this is how Zayvrok is defeated:
Ragnar launches himself from a catapult (a gag that happened earlier) towards Zayvrok while Daroach focuses on the second one and hurls Scarf at it. Everything goes slow motion from Scarf, Zayvrok laughing demoniacally, Ragnar kicking him in the face (while knocking out a tusk!), dodging his scythe-like right arm and slicing his wings off, Zayvrok falling from the sky as he see Scarf activating the second catapult which fires a boulder aimed at Zayvrok, who is sent flying towards the nearby volcano, which erupts and sends him into his volcanic oblivion in the stars. Witnessing their fallen master, all the monsters retreat back into the darkness from whence they came.
So, what do you think? Good? I even thought of the cast in case you REALLY love it!:
Antony Del Rio as Ragnar
Christopher Knights as Scarf
DAN GREEN as Daroach
Bella Thorne as Princess Katie
Seth Rogen as Gregorai
Michaela Dietz as Twilas
Maya Rudolph as Vivian
Mark Hamill as Rockwell
Liam Neeson as Zayvrok
Gilbert Gottfried as Menty
mattTheWriter072 chapter 1 . 9/29/2016
Interesting concept, but there are tons and tons of grammatical errors. If you could fix those up (or get someone else to do so), that would be greatly appreciated by just about everyone here.
Mongoose Lover chapter 1 . 9/26/2016
I don't know why they'd hate Charlie. As for Wonka, how did he not see the three rival guys?
1942 chapter 1 . 9/24/2016
Almost every candy company has a rival or more. I can't believe those naughty kids came back. Very odd but interesting.