Reviews for The Nightmare of Doom
PercyJacksonLover14 chapter 8 . 1/6/2017
WHAT A BEAUTIFUL ENDING! T_T That was so cute... and I'm glad it ended in a good note too. It was all so intense in the previous chapters, and now we all were rewarded with long emotional chapter that was worth every sentence! I'm gonna miss this story, but hey, good luck with your other stories! Write more because I DEFINITELY want to read more! :) Happy New Year!
SilverPedals1402 chapter 8 . 1/4/2017
Like, YES, oh my gosh! I've been waiting for this final chapter to come out and it was SO worth it! I loved it so much! I love your writing, it's very well done! I especially love the way you have Tony and his dad interact. You're pretty spot on with that. And oh the Pepperony! I'm a sucker for some good Pepperony! :P But oh my, those two don't seem to mind kissing in front of friends and family! xD I just about died!

You are AMAZING! Keep up the marvelous work! Even with this story done, it'd be nice to see more from you. :)
Anna Katari chapter 8 . 1/2/2017
They see what he saw. That's creepy! Superheroes didn't break. I can't believe that this is the END. Great chapter as always. I check out different your stories. Don't worry. Maybe I give you a review. Good job and I see that two moments you catch with series. One: quote, when Tony says Pepper to kiss and two that Howard knows about Iron Man from papers. I hope that you write next amazing story. I can wait as long as you need.;)
PS: I invite you to my story "Trapped". IMAA too :D
PercyJacksonLover14 chapter 7 . 12/4/2016
This chapter was art. PURE ART. I've never been so entranced in a story wanting to know MORE. And MORE. Oh wow... wow. What an incredible ending to his pain... wow!
Anna Katari chapter 7 . 11/27/2016
I read this chapter all day beacuse I want to understand everything. So it was great and amazing masterpiecie of illusion. Doom hurt him by nightmares and Tony is awake. Wow! Please update ASAP ;)
SilverPedals1402 chapter 7 . 11/26/2016
That. Was. B-e-a-Utiful! I absolutely loved this chapter! You brought Tony to his realization just perfectly! I was wondering how he was going to figure it out! I can't wait for that next chapter!
PercyJacksonLover14 chapter 6 . 11/26/2016
Oh man! OH MAN! OH MAN! OH MAN! OH MAN! OH GODDDDD! What's going to happen?! GAHHHH! This is not going to be good at all... Oh godddd!
Anna Katari chapter 6 . 11/24/2016
Whoa! Wait! Is that Whiplash? Wow! I love this greedy little bastard 3 That's good that he fight with Tony. But how it possible, that he knows, who is Iron Man? Great chapter and don't worry. I understand busy life. Update fast because I must to know what Whiplash is going with Tony.
SilverPedals1402 chapter 6 . 11/24/2016
Whoa, that just got really intense! What's going on, I need to know more! You are so talented, I love your writing and this story! :) Good job! I continually get more and more concerned for poor Tony. He's needing more hugs!
PercyJacksonLover14 chapter 5 . 11/22/2016
I read through every chapter in this story... And... Oh... MY... GOD. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god... OH MY GOD!

This is SO good! You turned this idea into a freaking masterpiece! I had no idea I reached the last chapter until I saw the chapter listing... Oh wow. I did not see this coming at all.

I mean what's going to happen to him?! Doom's effect is ACTUALLY hurting him in real life... so they have to wake him before he dies in the dream or something. Maybe they can get Pepper or Rhodey to join in his sleep, like Inception or something... This is so good.

Update... because this is worth every review, and favorite.
SilverPedals1402 chapter 5 . 10/29/2016
Oh it just hurts my heart to see him in such pain! T_T I hope things star looking up for him I'm not sure there's much more the poor guy can take. Oh this chapter was just so amazing! It was truly worth the wait and it was written beautifully! Can't wait as always for the next update!
SilverPedals1402 chapter 4 . 10/17/2016
Noooooo, I know it's not real, but Tony thinks it's pretty real and it's heart breaking watching him suffer over his best friend's death. T_T I heard somewhere that it's not the person's death that hurts the most, it's the reaction of their loved ones. It's true in this case. Wayyyyy too true! You did absolutely brilliant on this chapter and I loved it! I hope Tony sees the truth in all of this soon before he's sees something beyond what he can bear (as if he can already bear the deaths of his dad and Rhodey...) UPDATE!
SilverPedals1402 chapter 3 . 10/4/2016
Oooooooh poor Tony. He really needs a hug! :'( He just needs to realize its all just a dream/illusion! Makes me worry what's going to happen next, because if this is like his worst nightmare, it's not going to stop with his it? MEH I don't know! T_T This story is getting to me already and it's only the third chapter. You are doing absolutely fabulous to have gotten me this worked up!

Update soon please!
MelanieDanacohen chapter 2 . 9/27/2016
Interesting story
SilverPedals1402 chapter 2 . 9/27/2016
Noooooooooo! What is this? Our poor little (not so little) Tony! DX This isn't okay! This cliffhanger is just pure mean! T_T Very creative though, I think it's very interesting how that last part played out with the whole on screen thing.

But again, your descriptions are impeccable! I just love them so much! And don't mind my complaining. I normally only do it when I really love a story! :) This story is going to drive me mad, but I love it! Keep it up!
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