Reviews for Darkness's Son Three: And Then the Light Comes
Massive HTTYD Fan chapter 27 . 2/15
Figures that it would be the Admiral to first acknowledge Vader as Emperor. He's just that kind of guy.
Massive HTTYD Fan chapter 32 . 4/23/2019
The radiator in the temple... You just took me back about a decade, to the time my karate instructor warned us to look back before we did back kicks annnnd kicked the radiator when he did one.
fandora chapter 33 . 12/8/2018
That was an amazing fic. I have read all of them, including the extra chapters, in just a few days, and I have decided to write the review in this one as a review for all the saga because I feel this is the best instalment of it. Through the story I have could see how much you have improved as a writer, and this one was fantastic written, in the first chapters it was more about actions than trying to immerse in the things and whys of the characters, and it felt a little forced, but every chapter I can sense how you have gone deep in the psyche of your characters and explain why the act as the do, converting them in more mature, and we'll worked characters. In have also feel that you should have developed more the characters of kenoby, Mara and ahsoka, they had a lot of potential, and it would have been interesting see their relationship with luke, as being jedis as well. It was some time ago since I have read a fic that has keep me so much interesting in how everything was going to end and not having a clue about how you were to organise the final plot. It is very different than the other star wars stories I have read, an original plot , that it's a fresh air for people that is looking for something new throw the fics of star wars. It was very sad to read them last words of the fic and sense there was not going to be a new mayor story. So I encourage you to write a 4th instalment. maybe a new story about the future insurrection with Mara on it in which you can develope her relationship with Luke? Maybe an AU in which your Luke and Leia go back in time, being the emperor and empress and try to fix the past and know better their parents? Maybe a mixture of both in which Mara go back in time as well?, Anyway I can feel your saga has a lot of potential to keep writing on it. It didn't feel like an end to me. So, last of it I just want to thank you for the great time I have spent reading your stories, and I hope you consider to carry on with them. Thank you.
Wfest chapter 20 . 5/30/2018
No pressure, no pressure at all! Poor Luke!
Wfest chapter 3 . 5/30/2018
Interesting, "Joch"... If it were german, it would mean "yoke". Btw I love your AU, you're a great writer! This story starts way more serious/darker than the others now that Luke has to face adult responsibilities.
Star Crystals chapter 33 . 2/19/2018
At first, the Darkness's Son series was way too similar to Force Bond (I know that I'm probably the millionth person to tell you this) but the plot and ending was way different. It has its own moments that made me fangirl. It was one of the best SW fanfics I've ever read.
Elviriiine chapter 33 . 1/9/2018
thank you so much for all this. it's been an epic journey to read this. *snobbing* I DON'T WANT THIS TO END! still,

I really hope that you can write more Luke/Vader fics. you're one of my favorite writers.
Elviriiine chapter 3 . 1/6/2018
sooooooo... your sith name to Luke is 'darth kid'?
Fire Tempest chapter 33 . 10/21/2017
This has been a fantastic story. It has eaten a large part of the last 2 days from start to finish! Thank you.
Tauriel Skywalker chapter 33 . 4/12/2017
HA! With Luke being emperor he can say all the treason he wants. :D

Oh yes, of course Leah would be the one to point out Luke and Leia’s complicated relationship.

Loved this story! Didn’t like the profanity, but otherwise, I thought it was awesome! Love Leah and Rickon together. Will there be a one shot for their wedding?

Thanks for the ride.

God Bless.
Tauriel Skywalker
Tauriel Skywalker chapter 32 . 4/12/2017
WHAT!? HOLY COW! HOLY COW! I’d hoped maybe something was up, but with the story almost being over…just…WOW!

Ha! Love seeing them squabble. :)

OH! I am SOOOOOOO reading this to my sister! She’s gonna kill me. hehehehehe :D
Tauriel Skywalker chapter 31 . 4/12/2017
ah! um...ouch. um...yea, ow :(
Tauriel Skywalker chapter 30 . 4/12/2017
Good going, Leia – throw a glass at your future husband. Love it.

Is that a hat tip to Felicity Jones?

Tauriel Skywalker chapter 29 . 4/12/2017
Tauriel Skywalker chapter 28 . 4/12/2017
I’m freaked out.

Of course Han got himself into trouble.

Eeeee! I don’t feel good trusting Vader yet…
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